how do i pick myself up?

working has taken a toll on me, my whole lifestyle had to change to accommodate the new one.. wonder why i'm still so hung up on u, issit becos i dun wanna move on or cos i still cant let go

it is so hard to say goodbye, so hard to kiss goodbye, so hard to say i miss u, so hard not to think or forget abt u, since the day u were gone... my life and hope has fallen to pit bottom, yes i did tried to pick myself up but there's always things that make me give up trying to let go..

Yeah everyone's sayin tat i shld jus move on blah blah. don't u all ever understand that once u love u dun let go of it? i also noe its a matter of whether i wanna do it or not. but seriously i don't and i noe i deserve to feel so depressed becos of this.
A pointless life; having an attachment at sicc.

makes me feel like getting rich and buying myself all the things i want..

yet nothing can buy me your love.

met great new colleagues, wonderful food, a stressful environment, i can only bear with it. here i am, doing the best i can to answer calls, to type letters, to give the best front-desk service to the members. i am friendly i am nice. everyday its tough not to think about the sad things, and keeping myself busy proved to be of some help..

i been tryin to run away from my problems, but i couldn't move a single bit.. i was stressed by work and troubled with thoughts.. though laughing with colleagues was good i try to be happy, i try not to cry like i always do, i try not to think about u and me, i try not to love u, try yet try not to forget u, i tried i tried so hard to contain all the times we had together for the past 1yr6mths... the moment i wake up, the first thing was to check my hp like the times u would msg me every morning... nothing appeared however.

and finally i wished you were here
My love is gone. Wut now? This is so sick and terrible, becos i dun wanna hear all these ever again and i refused to believe everything u have said to me in the car.. all i keep doing was to stuff my brain with those happy lovely memories, and u keep flashing back in the mind, because darling i'm nv truly happy if u're not around. i cant talk i don't know what to say to make u stay again this time round. something's stuck in my throat and i stay awake at nite crying, i still feel the bloody pain tat this is happening again, much more from the one i love most in my whole fucking life.

it will be so hard living without u.. every moment, that i have remembered, every place we have gone to, the cutest u have given to me with ur love, the little toy babies, yet things had come till the very end i had no choice but to let u break away from me... neither do i wan u to lie to me nor me to force us to reach an ending that would leave us all fake and unhappy..

the tears keep flowing, i keep thinking and i'm going crazy

`without you i'm nothing, really
It's been a long while...

exams over, holidays start before i plunge into the dreaded SIP!! But i cant really care much except tt i will really whine alot if i gotten a bad LOCATION and pay and colleagues. So, had to enjoy as much as i can, sounds like death but its onli temporary. HOWEVER, sometimes the worst u hv expected jus happens even in such situations. Such as going to the toilet jus to realise u forgot to unzip, like having to throw away the money instead of receipt, etc. Watched the longest yard and one more chance, both are really funny. i like LY better cos its REALLY funny and there's adam sandler. Both are prison-related. Seems to be in tune with the govt's recent yellow ribbon campaign. As usual, i hv no much comments i rather be sitting on the fence.

Yes, my 19th bday is coming on friday. wonder wut i will get, wonder wut will it be like, and definitely i am happy! Will be going zouk on wednesday with the girls! Cant wait to eat sakura too cos we are all foodies. Nv been there to club yet except for fleas. Like wut crystal says, its a virgin visit! Eheh, guess will be celebrating again on fri. Crazy about wanroom toys cos its damn cute with those puppy faces on the furniture!!

Sometimes, things get a little boring. Looks like ur fingers are so far apart from each other, they still are together. I wish there wasn't such things as sip, or others, so i wun be far away. I wish i was the one u confided in, so i wun be far away too. Many things detach as time passes, yet i am resisting the power and i dun wan to be alone to do so. Sometimes, i dunno wut love is or should be like. Issit to be with each other everyday and not leave an inch apart? Or could it exist in the form of less intense kind and not as much contact? Will it be as lovely? I worry becos i will feel detached. Its tough only meeting 52 days in a year. Miss those school days studying together.

Ahh, playing games can be fun and funny. Played tennis game on xbox with my idiotic brother, ok its really funny cos i din know how to control Pete Sampras tt day and ended laughing like mad. He's like running ard the whole court and missing the balls. Wahahaa. Trying to make full use of the hols actually.

`Sweet-talkings and many "i love u"..
heya. its study week and i'm gonna study hard. but of cos play comes before work, tts why went shopping with nancy on fri. plaza singapura changed quite alot, esp with the new stores appearing one after another. we went shopping for shoes! ok i spotted the c&k birkenstock lookalike and another ball-y flats from p.o.a.. so wondering which one to buy now.. psst. i bought a polka dot roxy slipper! i love polka dots esp if its colorful. and i saw the dancing stitch! haha but 15 bucks le.. abit exp for a toy.. sigh..

sat met up with darling. went to maxwell area to find some shops, and walked quite sometime hahha.. we couldn't find the asylum.. before tat we pass by the scarlet hotel, wow tt hotel is like very classic and nostalgic kind! irresistably beautiful!! the shops in there are also very classy.. nice. then we walk a few round before we spot the asylum.. they got lots of books and cds and one fridge which we normally see in a cake shop but they use it to display shoes! hmm.. i saw a nara notebook its damn cute.. darling bought a bag and i bought meiji choco cafe.. wahaha.. later he brought me to an egg tart pastry shop which sells very crusty and yummy egg tartsssss~~~ so nice and big! then went to orchard.. wanted to watch 36 but the timing's not to our favour.. so we chose the maid.. it was nt bad with some scary parts.. the storyline comes with a twist.. but the people in the cinema spoilt the mood.. noisy and comments alot, talk on phone damn loud and the seats are damn squeezy.. lido 4 is not good! anyway, bought cup noodles and some snacks to his house to eat and stayover! watched old boy, its nice.. hahaha i am smart to guess the story~ ok its abt incest and revenge.. nice story and the way it is filmed is exceptional. now i noe why its r21.. i enjoy staying over cos it means more time together! and i'm really happy to go new places with u.

`its a peaceful wonderful lovely saturday.
hello.. i'm here again to recall. sometimes i really hate to blog, because i dun like to recall things tt are wayback especially to a computer and i dun blog often. But, the one reason i blog, is because i wan to keep my memories somewhere out here, since i dun keep a diary or wut.. I jus watched Perth and Land of the Dead. Well, they're not bad i quite like them. Perth is really Singaporean though there's alot of cursing and swearing in it.. Its funny esp the parts where Angry Boy Lee appeared. He is violent and curses alot in a funny way and i like his character cos i tink he's jus a nice guy afterall. i dun like harry cos he's very abusive (goes hysteric when he's drunk) and i feel he's a chauvinist stuck in the olden days with his dreams of going to Perth. Somehow i feel that the whole Perth thing is some kind of illusion that he tinks its real (although he's really going there in the movie, which he also din in the end cos he went to hell instead) Selva is an indian but talks with a malay slang i tink.. wahaha.. anyway its a massacre. Land of the dead is very gory to me although darling dun tink it is. Esp when the hand is torn into 2 and when the zombie bit and pulled off the belly ring of one victim! Yucks. I find it nice bah cos i like this kind of action-pack and scary movies. haha.. bedok princess is a nice place actually cos we can change seats and rest our legs! and its CHEAP!

i'm very happy old Ronald's Twister fries are back cos i love it alot since new year. i wonder if they stole the recipe from A&W's curly fries; they taste abt the same. it will be great if they come up with some nice and cheap waffle ice-creams. HIAK HIAK. food makes me excited besides meeting up with darling every once a week! sigh. i really enjoy ur company and i love being with u. Past few weeks we've been watching fireworks, sorry to drag u there even when u're tired... the one on national day was the best cos its really right in front of us and we can see 3 sides of fireworks!! lucky we din walk away!! b4 that we also saw the army vehicles all that, those guys were really full of antics. damn funny. so many ppl but i like the mood! wahaha so patriotic. the carnival was ok lah not much stuff. went with usual ppl the day before national day to watch the countdown fireworks, yeap it was good too despite running up sheare's bridge panting and perspiring so disgustingly. ate porridge at chinatown and off home again! oh yeah i am in love with old chang kee's curry puffs, so hot and yummy!!!

Ok back to my life. Projects are finally over and i am very tired but also relaxed rite now.. but projs really suck i dun tink will score well this sem again. SIGHHHH. i am so sad. please grant me my wish ah!! Exams start on the 3rd Sept and end on 9th. WOOHOO. can't wait to get this all done with. after that i will take a small lil break before the stupid sip begins. one thing good is the money and i can get to noe more ppl, maybe learn a few tricks wutsoever. haha.. other than that, its HORRIBLE!!! have to wake up early, get tired very easily, worst is if i'm the loner there. ARGGGh. yeah project superstar is really nonsensical. how can the results be like tt!!

ytd met crystal and went orchard together.. wahaha talk some crap again on the train i realise we are so full of rubbish! walk ard and ate chicken rice at far east.. lalala then she went home.. later met darling for movie and dinner. went to cineleisure to turn the toys.. thanks to him i got wut i wanted (jackjack) and a few more extra woodies. wahahahhaaha u noe if u tink getting those woodies were extreme bad luck, then how abt getting an empty capsule? wahahaha when he turn and got an empty one, i cant stop laughing ok it was sooo funny!! dun be sad ok, luck has ups and downs sometime! heeheheheheh.. today is my grandma's bday. went to meet darling for movie again before i went to my aunt's house.. wahaha sang ktv and play pool.. quite fun! ok i'm tired. see u again. does anyone noe i like bright and colourful colours? wahaha..

`Happy birthday to my ah ma!!
Heya. Its been one month again. I am very busy with projects, deadlines and deadlines. When issit going to END! Years of struggle, years of chasing after time (although u nv can catchup with it), so long. Oh yes darling and me shared money to buy tofu son plush and its really really cute with its sprawled-on-the-floor look. Watched crash and mindhunters recently, both are extremely good movies. Crash: racism that crashes. Mindhunters: a who's-the-murderer kind of movie. Thought-provoking movies. Crash sort of reaches deep into ur mind, leaves u thinking. It is a fact that such racial discrimination do happen. Mindhunters really nice especially the method of killing and i keep thinking who was actually the real murderer. There's a small twist near the end. The scriptwriter really has good brains to come up with such a wonderful plot. I just like.

Went home late on sat after movie.. we ate at 85 with the usual ppl. Nice hanging ard and eating my favorite Bak Chor Mee. Yummy! and so darling drove me back again. haha. Very tiring days followed. Sunday midnight, i was rushing ss mgmt journal and portfolio till 5am. How horrid. then Mon had to study for 2 tests. and then today i took the test onli to find out that the computer screwed up and i HAVE to go down specially to take it again. I hope the questions are roughly the same. we can hardly trust the computer sometimes, it breaks down when u need it, not like tissues. Issit Kleenex? Hmm. Got addicted to selling stuff online, i'm really very eager and happy that i managed to sell off those extra toys. Money rolling in!

Sch has reopened.. Sigh so dreadful.. Projects deadline and classes at 9! i still havent enjoy the 1 week fully yet.. Went for my driving lesson, same guy again, bloody hell. always talk nonsense but anyway i feel my driving was better. wahaha. hmm i hope to clear this driving thing asap. darling has already passed his and he's driving very well!! genes! i am trying hard to coordinate the gear changing.

baybeats on sat with darling and frens. it was not bad ah.. except for the occasional drizzle! glutton's sq food was not bad. i tried the fried prawn noodle and orh chien. yummy! we played with the poster and talked to each other thru it.. wahaha sounds itchy~~ love me butch was nice.. brandtson not bad but the rest i dun really like.. this year no buddhiston and whence he came!!! the guys are really cute. alrite stayed till very late.. then darling had to drive me back.. sigh damn suay.. signal light and windows not working well.. then got stuck in a one way carpark.. really unlucky! but i din mean for it to happen.. thankfully the car got working..

today first lesson was SIT. the tutor was complaining and whining abt us, saying we bluff abt the field trip. guess he's in a bad mood. and he doesn't understand us. but actually nowadays its really hard to get students really excited abt class participation. we're there becos of the marks, we are polite to tutors we dislike becos of marks. then after class, hang ard in canteen and waited for desmond for lunch. his fren is really weird and funny. his actions is one-of-a-kind but he's nice ah.. wahaha.. ok proj again in lab for event mgmt. tt was fast and off we go~
hey guys!@ i am back to the hole web. midsem tests are over after a week of studying hard!! studying is hard, becos i cant memorise very well as before and i tend to be lazy.. sigh.. made careless mistakes for a/c and cant rmb certain theories for PR and SSmgmt.. but i am so relaxed rite now.. dun hv to memorise 1000 words or take a break with snacks every few mins.. tt means i wun be brain dead or fat easily NOW.. hmm..

i love carbonara.

i tink alot when i am free. i ponder and i wonder and i daydream too.
"how's life gonna be when i grow up?" "will i earn enuf for myself to spend?"
"will i ever get married?" "i wanna cook for my love"
"i feel loved." "and love forever?"
"wut am i gonna eat next?" "wuts for dinner?"
"is this person crazy?" "wut is he/she tinking?"
"how to sew things?" "how to be free to do my fave pastimes?"
"moomin valley and toys" "can i dun work?"
"all things shall hail me when i dream"

ok. roughly there. will update if i tink of more.. sometimes most of us wish for something better to come along in our lives. being contented isn't really EASY. it is only until we are on the verge or already had, that we realise the importance of contentment. jus like i am not contented with onli one meal a day. i eat more than u tink. wahaha..

i've been watching alot alot of tv serials of late. i have become a couch potato! (i am already a potato but now with value-added "couch").. Really very nice shows like Ah Hock (local forrest gump?), and tt Tong xin yuan.. Ah hock makes me realise many things in life. there's something revealing abt it, sth special, sth valuable to be learnt. ah hock is a very nice man. but tong xin yuan is abt family and its problems, typical of its kind but i still enjoy it. haha..

so, i came home after my test and had a very good slp.. then darling called me to chat awhile.. hee. then crystal came over.. talked and slack.. crystal is idiotic! went to the roof garden of the opp blk for the 1st time after 4 yrs. very nice can see sun set and the mrt station and of cos the "hse".. hmm. today ard 7 20pm the sky was purple outside it looked so intriguing yet i feel uneasy becos i've hardly seen a purple sky.. first thot: "disaster or end of the world coming?!" aaeeey but nvm..

`Loving u is more than jus a dream come true..
Specially dedicated to Crystal:

1) U are one of my bestest frens
2) u noe how i address u
3) u are mad and crazy and idiotic
4) sometimes i tink u ask stupid qns
5) i noe u love me
6) i noe how "smart" u are
7) u go crazy with me
8) u like to bully me
9) u noe i noe
10) full of shit till the NECK
11) lazy
12) likes to be free as a bird
13) dun play play with her
14) stands firm to her ideas often
15) u are a great listener and someone to talk to
16) u enjoy life
17) i still rmb those days we go out and laugh like mad(mushy but for u)
18) ur cooking is not bad
19) loves to put ugly pics on ur blog wahaha
20) yes love love to u!!
21) A vegetarian to-be
22) everything clean and GREEN for crystal!!!
23) she praises herself most of the time...... =D
Hello.. din blog for a very very long time yeah.. crystal reminded me! oh well.. i'm fine everything's good i hope it is forever.. i am happy and i wake up to a brand new boring day.. except that i had a very bad nightmare tt day.. terrified. now its a busy sem! everyweek so many things to submit and its making me crazy... classes are practically wasting time becos most of it we are doing nth much constructive.. sch food is one BIG reason why i still enjoy being in TP.. the food is nice and cheap!! my fave carbonara, fried fish noodle, western food and chinese cooked food... oh man got one week i tink we been eating the noodle everyday.. mad.. hmm, got my pay from the tiger beer event and i bought a black spag and shorts which i really like.. i wanna buy more clothes hahah.. went to momo with crystal and angie on fri.. drank alot i wun do tt again.. took crappy pictures in yoshinoya and i love the beef bowl.. delectable..

watched initial d on sat with darling after eating at crystal jade with my family.. the food is very nice and i like mango pudding.. tricking my bro, eating, and talking i feel very very happy and loved.. its a sweet different feeling afterall and i totally enjoyed every moment with him and everyone.. oh btw its a very nice and funny movie.. chapman to really say great jokes.. hahahah.. unforgettable.. and SHAWN yue is mine! (to crystal) he has a nice moustache. anyway we enjoyed it! i almost cried and laugh when he bluff me tt i am going home myself and he said drive me home for fun.. BRRRR we shared 1 curry puff and its the 1st time i eat it! hot and very yummy! then went darling hse eat chwee kueh and he drove me home.. first time out on the road! heheh abit scared at first.. but its not bad already.. lalala.. happy day~

its been some time since i had fun with him or my frens.. this week is a great great one becos i had twice the fun! really thank u girls for jus being there and listening and talking.. and for teaching me how to play hei bai chei.. wahaha.. its really idiotic.. i saw the new stussy prints polo tee its so nice but its 65! i am still thinking if i shld buy.. cos i like the design alot.. ok i hv to go now.. dunno wut i can say now.. Byebye lo
i am working on 3 sats for the tiger beer football challenge at the registration counters with nancy and frens.. the pay is 70 and 10 hrs, 3 meals included! thanks to nancy for introducing me this job.. i need some money, plus its temp! my fave kind of job.. saw a lot of haising comrades too wahahha.. made new frens and they are nice ppl!! at least get to see events mgmt live.. but seems tiring and weather is VERY HOT.. get to rest and do work.. can go out buy drinks.. the bosses are not bad.. and there's fake JJ Lin.. wahahha.. there's alot of weird wannabes and ppl.. cant believe it.. i am content with this job la and its ending next sat! yay means i will hv $$$ soon~ JIT for GSS.

bought a green top and 2 moomin kubrick series 2 on fri.. wah so lucky sg got sell lo!!!! i still need the policeman and the snork maiden i will get them soon! 7 bucks each can die.. i am happy with toys ard.. so many terrible things happen lately, issit that i am thinking too much, or i done so much to spoil everything we used to have, where have they all gone to?

`how does it feel like again?
i'm so bored! darling has started attachment.. seriously i spend my holidays sleeping and watching tv... din really go shopping much.. tv shows are getting better with scv cos they're fresh and nv seen b4.. i been thinking abt wut to do at home... surfing for moomin toys and re-ment. omg they are damn nice and have intricate designs!!!~ looks so real-life the re-ment food.. HEHE. these toys are very popular in hk and taiwan.. singapore i dunno le, try to search to buy but very hard... i feel like buying from overseas... GRRR. my next aim will be scouring for TOYS!! they make me happy. anyone up for it?!!!

love is... the excitement, the passion, the constant reverberance. it is a pain in exchange for occasional happiness.. what is love that seems diminished, to the ones who keep it going, to the hearts that keep on breaking, to the ones who were ignorant? who pines day and night for ur love, the acts of kindness or concern nor pity to carry on till the supposedly forever but nv resurfaced once again.. the promises have sunk to bottom, the love has gone, missing it was a leaf from the past.. finally the one who perseveres, is the one who truly loves u and dissipate all ur misgivings.. leave them lonely and u'll be like sorry-woo...

`my literature is horrible...
Hey hey... after coming back to singapore, i feel very bored already.. i really miss HK alot, it's been a wonderful trip and i certainly will wanna go there again.. the shopping are endless, unlike back here and the shops open till 11pm while fastfood restaurants till 1am like tt.. GOSH where do u get THAT here?! I guess its the culture, the hongkies are really nocturnals.. Yes we hv it here but it is not alot to the percentage tt will cause shops to open till late night.. hmm i like it that cinemas are open till midnight daily! hahaha..

But anyway this is my home, it is beautiful and safe so far.. HK is a novelty that i will always remember and visit again.. its sth over there that here doesnt hv that makes going overseas fun.. so far since i've returned, i din went shopping in town until today.. quite bored and toy shops make things fresher! i saw new tofu set today: it's a bigger tofu and a smaller one linked together with a chain (the kind tt hooks onto gloomy bear).. OMG its so cute ok!!! but the whole set costs $78... i dun hv tis kind of money to spend on... wahaha..

few days ago, i met up with dear nancy to chat and show her the things i bought.. wahaha.. i'm glad she likes the bday present! we talked abt many things and ate kfc.. i love kfc chicken wings and whipped potato!! so tasty.. both of us felt bored of town or shopping after coming back from overseas.. hahaha... hmm.. the weather is SOOO hot i perspire every morning and night.

watched kingdom of heaven and divergence with darling and the groupies.. KoH was not bad got orlando bloom wahahha.. and fighting scenes of cos.. makes me think that one shld be a freethinker in the case of that movie.. they are fighting for? tiberius tot he was fighting for god but actually he realised its all becos of fame and wealth.. its abt religions or rather wut they believed in.. but war is cruel so i dun like.. and divergence is okok only some parts quite boring.. not much action as i expected.. mainly abt the lovelorn Kwok and the action scenes are superficial..

today before watching KoH, darling and me went to find his workplace.. we were supposed to be hating each other anyway.. Raining in such an exciting day is damn suay.. quite easy to find but chewhong one was dunnowhere.. hahaha.. have to go up the shophouses i tink but we couldnt find the way up.. we realise chinatown got alot food places we nv try out before.. so we mus go there when we run out of options.. hehe.. then ate bak chor mee opp china square central.. its dry one but not bad.. i love the mushrooms!! we were very very hungry... soon darling will be working and there will be lesser time for us to meet up already.. BRR~~ oh yeah china square has an area which sells many earrings and shoes!! shld go there one day.. i named medium doraemon as A-wang if u noe who he is and the big one havent decide yet.. hahaha.. i have a dream to build a toyhouse for the toys.. place them in shelves like they own homes.. but sadly my room is too small to add another shelf.. i tink its time to go candy empire again.. OOOH~ i love tau sar piah.

`i love u always but i hate u, sometimes. wahahah
going home today.. went Rise wanted to buy shoe but the shops still close.. then went to ladies street again cos songlee rolex was spoilt.. by the time we come back no time to buy shoe already.. i was quite angry. but we had to rush.. sigh.. damn wasted.. the van fetch us to the airport.. bought lao po bing then wanted to eat at maxim or hang hueng but in the end ate the popeye's... they are like kfc.. nt bad lah.. i like it.. haha.. then we check in and its last call again... BRR~ so had to rush again... tk the bus and go up the plane!! we are so tired and sian.. slept mostly on plane... so sad!!!! so fast 5 days over already... singapore is boring.. i'm so glad we came hk.. bought things at dfs and darling's dad drove us home... the end.

`i love u darling!!!
today is ocean park and The Peak day!! took train to admiralty if not wrong.. and bought tickets.. board the bus and took pictures again.. hmm hk is so nice even on hill tops.. its a very hot day tt day.. the escalators are asia 2nd longest.. u can see the small islands and scenery there... so long and its stuffy.. the 1st ride we took was the Miners one.. its quite scary when it goes down so fast... wahaha but its ok ah.. wun feel giddy. fun! then went up to the space sth ride which i tot is for kids cos they dun hv belts and safety things.. but wah lao, tt one is soooo giddy and scary. really defy gravity u cant even lift ur legs up!!! it turns round up and down... vomitty feeling.. wahaha.. then we went to take the paranoma tower.. those china ppl bad habits are acting up again.. they tried to cut queue but i stare at one of the men.. then later they cut the guard there shouted at them and requested them to be more civilised.. WAHAHA.. his face turn red.

its a great view up there, jus slow moving and rotating.. took pictures again! hahhaa.. walk to see the seal or sealions... they are very smart animals... hmm.. we went to see the shark and underwater world... OMG its so beautiful and cooling!! alot of ppl inside but we learn alot abt sharks wahaha.. the fishes are so bloody BIG!!!!! the place has 3 zones from surface water to deep waters.. then we see jelly fishes and nemo.. they look so animated but they are real... we are so fascinated by marine life!!!heheheh.. very wonderful..

later walk up to the games area.. wahahah the doraemons are so big and cute!! decided to try my luck at the tictactoe and i won one crab.. BRR but luckily 3 crabs can be exchange for one doraemon.. songlee play the hit the thing to see the power and won 1 mini doraemon which i took it.. wahahah.. they play the basketball game but onli won one black bird.. i picked up a 2 dollar coin.. i play a few more rounds jus to get another 2 crabs.. and i got!!! so i change it for a doraemon eating his fave pancake.. haha very nice to hug!! i'm so happy omg! this is so far the happiest day apart from shopping.. we all enjoyed alot..

later we play the rollercoaster near the sea.. ahahaa i din dare to play during pri 5.. i tot it was so scary but in the end we take together.. its not scary, jus rough riding cos keep knocking my head on the headrest... BRR~ we took again but this time we sit in the 1st carriage.. its scarier and faster... hahaha.. later the guys played the abyss but i din dare to take.. took cable car down to the lowland area of the park... we din wanna take with the china man.. haha.. lucky! suddenly the whole line of cablecars stop, quite traumatic actually imagine we really stuck there how to escape.. we took pictures of the surrounding and ourselves.. haha.. at 1st wanted to play grand prix but close already.. 6pm.. still havent had enuf.. din watch the dolphin show too.. we take pictures with the easter rabbit.. then go buy souvenirs already.. i buy a pink dolphin for keepsake.. hahaha..

later we took a tram up the peak.. wow its so steep and cold up there.. took pics with the scenery and skyline... buy a new camera for use in wax museum cos my batt run out.. hee.. the peak is so quiet and beautiful... wax museum was okok ah but we had fun taking pics with the wax like andy lau, beckham, james bond, lee kuan yew.. wahahha.. i ate the white cheese grilled chicken baked rice.. OMG its damn damn nice and filling.. hhaahhaa.. chin guan drop a spoon and sth very funny happen.. hmm later we went to mongkok again to shop... i bought a BB bag which is quite big maybe i can use for school.. darling buy polo tee... hahha.. wanted to go take ferry but its close.. we went to avenue of stars... oh hotel intercontinental is very very grand and nice.. the reception guy is cute. hiak hiak.. avenue of stars got alot of stars name on the floor, some with hand prints.. can see the harbor and skyline once again... so pretty and quiet.. sigh we all very tired.. i'm feeling sad and nostalgic abt leaving HK tml... took some pics there and jus sat ard.. i feel like crying. hahah.. went back to pack our stuff and slp..
woke up late again.. everyone's so tired... always before we go out we will discuss how much cash we bringing out.. hahhaa.. ok went yoshinoya for lunch.. the beef bowl is big and nice ok!! oh man.. they got smoking area.. haha.. went Rise again.. i bought meme tee and wanted to buy the crown necklace but its gone!! oh their Ji dan zai is sth like waffle and its not bad!! hmm darling bought a big bling earring wahahahha.. anyway tt place is a nice place to shop.. i realise all hk shop they hv very gd customer service: greeting customers. hmm.. regret not buying another meme tee. SIGH. i scared nt enuff cash..

Go to prince edward's allied plaza and pioneer centre.. Allied plaza is a good place to shop also.. the things there is cheaper than big shopping centres... i bought flats, pearl bracelet, earrings.. and a mickey tee for nancy bday present.. hmm HAO SHOU HUO. wahahaa... actually i quite angry cos darling not walking with me and sort of i realise tt we all hv different things to pursue in this trip.. we promise not to argue but well.. i'm angry i cant see my stuff when they are rushing.. i feel selfish but i understand everyone mus have chance to look at their own things cos if not this trip is wasted.. so the best is to give and take.. we walk on our own in allied plaza.. saw many cute toys but din buy.. SIGH.. i love the earrings i bought there cos its so nice.. mus go there again! then we went pioneer centre.. one floor sell bra and the other is toys and clothings.. the bra too lacy and padding too much. wahahaha so scary. oh i turn tofu there!!! too bad i dun hv enuf coins if not i will turn more.. tofu kids are so cute too!! there got nth much cos they are renovating...

ate at their restaurant again wow the porridge is very nice and tea taste good too.. after tt we walk pass goldfish market to ladies street and fa yuen street... this time we walk more.. the guys bought shoes while i jus laze ard there cos i'm so tired.. then ladies street i was more energetic.. haha buy pooh hp cover.. they bought rolex after some "upstairs tai".. wow illegal business upstairs in those dark residential areas.. i am surprise darling is so gd at bargaining.. wahaha.. hmm we went to trendyzone and yao wan centre... trendyzone i din walk upstairs lo!!! so wasted.. the yao wan is selling all toys!!! makes me crazy... the rement toys are so cheap but i din buy.. haha i scared i got back those i had.. i bought tomy pooh cooking toys and pooh mini tomy.. so cute... the toys there so wonderful!! i bought pooh pins and paperclips and passport covers....wahahahah... anyway i will sure go there again next time! wanted to buy the pooh set of tea which has the rest of the characters but its too ex... not worth... sigh.. its not available in sg... went back inn and slept to prepare for tml's exciting sightseeing and FUN. realise they sell porn and even have gashapon machines in 7-11!! hahah.. the qoo drink is nice.. the cup noodles good also.. everything IS GOOD!~
Yoohoo! Its the 2nd day of Hk trip.. Woke up quite late today.. went Mac or sumwhere to eat i cant remember.. anyway their mac is so good with many variety such as strawberry milkshake tts so yummy but drink too much will feel like shitting!! then there's pork and other kinds of salads we dun hv it here.. hmm.. and the meals are MUCH cheaper! so today we venture to causeway bay at hongkong island, tts to Sogo and Timesquare and the Jardines' Bazaar.. Oh man the area there is so bustling with activity and people!!! really lively place... timesquare has i.t and i.t loves mickey.. and arnold palmer.. but their clothes dun really suit me cos kind of jappy.. haha.. anyway i went the mickey shop and buy a tee for myself and help tian nee buy her mickey shoes too! they give free mickey wristbands to every purchase i guess... its very very nice!!! bought tt tee for 200plus hkd.. abit big but nvm.. i realise my mickey bag i buy from miklio is frm this shop.. BAHHH.. they din give me the wristband wth..

went to i.t and buy one arnold palmer tote.. i like it cos it looks cute with tt rabbit holding an umbrella on clouds! hmm walk ard fcuk too.. nt bad their designs but they are expensive.. so din buy.. later go SOGO.. wow tts a very big shopping centre with more than 6 storeys.. VERY good place.. bought a pair of black roxy slippers with polka dots.. well i regret tts there's not enuf time for me to shop more cos the ladies section really really ALOT of things... bought 2 winnie the pooh cards also.. so cute.. sigh i am so sad i promise i will go there again if i go hk. we walk past Jardines' bazaar and they sell things damn cheap.. i buy a purple and white spaghetti for onli a few bucks and 2 pouch so cheap ok! the earrings also very cheap but too bad no time also.. their ripcurl shop is quiet unlike in sg so crowded.. the prices abt the same but designs different for some...

we went ladies market and fa yuen street to walk before shops close at ard 11 sth.. took pictures of our glorious purchases and walked whole street selling sports shoes.. really scary.. haha.. then ladies market we walk awhile cos they closing already.. the guys wanna buy rolex.. wahahaha... anyway we tried their roadside food.. the big hotdog is damn nice, the jap mushrooms wrapped in bacon or wut meat is okok and juicy, the chicken "satay" nt nice, the teriyaki one is ok except nt very cooked.. darling says may get diarrhoea or bird flu. hahaha.. then go mac eat becos we are all so tired and hungry.. drank milkshake again.. super nice.. ok then we head back to inn.. we played fei ji xing tt chin guan bought.. its very funny tt one of them sure get kicked back wahahha i tot i was winning cos i was very smooth.. but who noes i'm stuck at the last part the plane is returning home.. i cud hv won but everyone has returned home when i'm still stuck! so we counted how many times i rolled the dice: 16. i have to eat 16 shit!! darling they all keep laughing but the whole game was very fun.. i enjoyed playing but no shit..
Its packing time for the luggage and stuff for HK!! well, i bought biscuits and cup noodles and sweets in case we are hungry during the journey.. hehe packed abit of stuff to make space for more things in hk.. OH man its fun packing!! getting excited for the trip. ok at nite met up with chin guan in taxi to go to darling's hse cos his dad is driving us to the airport... my luggage is big and bulky. GRR. slack ard in his hse playing net and seeing him pack his things.. wahaha.. reading mags and planning where to go.. nice feeling. WOOO! its abt 1 sth am and we're ready to go.... EAT!! picked up songlee and went to chai chee bak chor mee.. not bad bah.. then off to airport!!!! took a few idiotic pics together, played with the trolleys, later check in.. i was walking in the cosmetics area.. OMG feel like buying so many but better save for the trip.. so i jus buy stila nail polish with lipgloss and nail art for $19 only.. haha.. ate bread and tot we have alot of time but who noes we are on LAST CALL.. i start to panick alot and ran but darling keep saying i kanchiong.. i rather run than miss the plane!! Luckily, nth happen.

hmm.. the plane is small but seats are leather.. we get to sit 2 infront and 2 behind.. ppl can change seats after the plane take off if other seats are empty.. Nt bad.. i was taking pictures and i felt very hungry.. wanted to eat but its 8 bucks.. controlled but finally i succumb.. bought the fried noodles its ok but abit too salty.. okok lah.. sleep and play game and stone ard for 3 hrs.. tah dah! we are in HK! i'm so happy!!

shop awhile in dfs and check out.. the chinese ppl dunno wuts wrong with them tt they keep cutting queues and thinkin nth is wrong.. damn it. stupid shit they act like normal noe!! feel like kicking them. ARGH.. ok took the van we booked to the inn.. we got the biggest room but its really an inn.. nt much but its alrite to me.. altho air is nt very clean.. immediately we went out to eat.. the food is OK onli esp the noodles but the roast meat is nice.. walk up and down to find Rise centre finally we found it.. the shops havent open for god's sake its 12 plus... they open at 4.. wasted trip but anyway we walk ard summore and went peninsula hotel tt area.. go trendy sth, update sth, harbor city and silvercord.. the 1st 2 are ulu shopping centres but i manage to buy a mickey mouse tee and sanrio dream party.. the next 2 are "OH man so many things to buy!!!" i bought 2 whoops bear bracelets, moomin toys and forgot wut else i regret not buying MORE.. darling bought a tee or 2 and alien coinbank.. later we go to the star ferry tt area to view the skyline of buildings in hk.. wow so breathtaking ok!!! took many pics and watch laser shooting from those buildings.. very magnificent.. we went back inn to eat noodles and watch their channel V.. so tired and feelin sad... we drank abit of vodka and zzz...

`To be continued....
OH hey. It's been long since i update the blog. Nothing much to write abt becos everyday its jus repeating same routine and laziness. Hmm, alrite holidays been almost a month left, gotten back disappointing results of my whole poly life, watching movies, stayin over at darling's place, going out, eating and eating.. life is good actually to have nth to worry abt.. jus watch creep, its nice and gory.. hahaha.. darling and i love CHEEZELS!!! oh yeah thanks to jasmine who introduced me Candy Empire!! Oh man tts a whole candy and snacks haven... VERy big and HUGE variety of Arnotts and retro candies we used to eat when we were young... but they are expensive.. BUT still, worth it cos its sooo nice.

Luck was with us last week when turning yujin capsules.. the mini gashapon machines made up of mickey, pinocchio, pooh, chesire cat, stitch and little mermaid. we got them all in a single shot without any REPEATS!!! first time ever... wahahhaa.. anyway we were very very happy! quite sian to shop for clothes actually cos nth nice this few weeks leh.. plus i'm broke... hahhaa.. oh yeah coming on in 2 days time we'll be going to HK! i hope i come back with many many things... hahhaa but i mus spend wisely cos its very expensive over there... hmmph. well pray all of us will have a safe journey throughout and enjoy ourselves. cant wait to gooooooo! will be packing my luggage later on at night.. yay! finally! can take pictures, mai dong xi chi dong xi (chant of the HKTB) wahaha...

`nth comes easy
today went to sch to meet darling after his exams.. print out the itinerary and borrowed jerry's cam for the hk trip.. wahahaha.. ate our fave (xinyi and mine) sliced fish noodle soup and drank watermelon milk.. its very nice oh! played ard with the cam awhile wahahha its good.. wish i got one too.. then later darling came down.. miss each other alot!!! sat with his frens.. got to noe a few new frens.. haha.. then go eat steamboat after walking in town... piggie pig likes to bully me and tell his frens abt my 'mishaps' in the kitchen... oh man.. BURN~~~ ok aniway we ate alot of meat and i drank alot of soups.. enjoy breaking the eggs! oh yeah the prawns are live so i throw one into the soup to test its reaction.. Poor prawn it jumped abit before turning red... our hands got splattered with oil quite often.. hahha.. somebody shld invent sth... the hotdogs weren't tt nice as Valley Chef's.. haha.. the meat is very nice with their seasoning... yummy! the fried dumplings good also.. hmm.. we took some pictures at the mrt station before leaving.. hahaha nice! i was quite happy altho pissed off a few times by darling.. heeh.. i love u.

`Zhen Fa Huo Hai Xian, Fatt ya!
went out with nancy to town on sunday.. shopping but nth catches my eye... sigh abit sian.. both of us were very excited abt our trips! wahahha.. yeap i cant wait also.. buy toiletries, pack luggage, goin to the airport, taking pics!! hee.. walk ard in suntec and bugis also... wow alot of new beauty shops there.. i bought nail polish and mask.. i was so tempted to buy the lipgloss for 10 bucks.. almost the same as the estee lauder one.. haah good substitute for value. ok gonna get tt one soon. bought rubber ice cream for darling's bears.. whahahah they are cute! if we got money we will buy the whole set of rubber food. wahaha..

then later going home on the bus, we were talking abt funny things.. i'm reading Adrian Mole by sue townsend recently.. din read it during sec sch cos its abit pervertic. din accept tt last time. wahahah.. but now its ok ah.. funny guy and his life.. the way he demeans the ppl. then nancy and me were talking abt many things.. wahahhahaha.. hee quite rubbish but made the journey more fun.. haha.. had a good time anyway.. =D

`A. Mole
exams are finally over... tired and brain dead.. 1st day of exams was club and resort.. terrible man.. i forgot to do one qn, as usual. it always happen that i either forgot to do 1 or i do extra 1. why can't i be more discerning and ssmarter!! gruesome. I knew i had to do 3 qn yet in my mind it kept ringing: 2, 2, and still 2. geez. i study so much yet hardly of them came out.. if i noe i dun hv to waste time and money printing those damn notes (tribute to the teachers again). so we hav all learn to study lesser for Travel and leisure. literally the subject is leisure..

soo met up with nancy to study again.. hahaha.. hee i'm quite happy travel is easier to memorise and faster also.. then went to lab trying to study but in the end i was surfing net and feeling sleepy.. go home for a sleep. and started revising again. So! on the day of the exams....

feelin abit more confident than club's. go in feeling fine but came out feeling dead. during the exam, i was struggling with mind and body. wahahahha.. felt very sick halfway, giddy stomachache and weak.. maybe becos i din eat much for breakfast.. shit. i was shivering very badly, so my handwriting was very ugly when my normal ones already are. luckily i remembered most of the stuff and quickly wrote them out.. took a break every 5 mins. how terrible. i was fidgeting like mad, ppl mayb think i'm psychotic in the classroom. huff puff i went out to the toilet hand dryer and drank a cup of hot milo downstairs... went home to slp.

`freedom is back!
studied in school awhile with nancy and janis. wow i spend few hrs printing notes again. how crazy. during dinner, darling and me went to Tm to take pictures.. i dunno hw to use tt dumb machine. then later to De En to eat zhu chao.. hahah we ordered fried youtiao, sambal kangkong, spicy n sour soup and black pepper beef!! oh man, they taste soo good!! wahahha esp my fave beef! very yummy and delicious.. heee. then later on ate the 4 scoops of strawberry ice-cream in Cafe Cartel.. wow, its making us puke if we eat animore of it.. wahahha.. so full.

1 year isn't long isn't short. Endless quarrels, crazy things, eating and still eating, going out together, laughing, talking crap, studying, watching dvds, stayovers, shopping, choosing clothes together, movies and still counting.. it is alot to take. my very first over the year togetherness. hmm. yes we had fun and also anger but i certainly hope we are gonna last, to be with each other till old.. i dare not think far, jus to take this one at a time now.. all right, it's time to studyyyyyyy la!

`happy anniversary to you darling :)
Yoohoo its study week and i have not study for the past few days.. will be printing alot alot of notes becos the lazy teachers refuse to supply us with extra notes. Wut we are doing is detrimental to the society and environment, u teachers jus dun get it. Printing papers waste paper and OUR MONEY! i had to top up 10 bucks for my cashcard u noe. jus to print stacks of notes which i dunno will be of any USE. but jus to make me feel safer. sigh. studying in the canteen is quite nice, got food and the environment is gd. wahahhaa.. feelin damn lazy and had a very very terrible cramp. this is bullshit. i hope i can control myself till exams are all over. ok its getting more stress as i see there's more and more notes to revise. OH MY GOD!~
a very happy and sweet day... hmm finally all projs gone.. but still left commskills meeting.. we were thinking so hard and tired abt the roleplay until damn tired.. then darling came past where we were so he waited for me to go rent dvds AGAIN! wahahah... we been watching dvds for the past week, kill time.. so with a 360 deg change of speed, we hurry up finish the roleplay dialogue and went off to siglap..

accompany him to go extend his passport expiry date for the trip.. safra is a recreational club. wahahah.. so hot cos i was wearing the formal clothing for the roleplay which sucks. it was so unfair for our group.. selfish ppl who jus take wut they wan and throw the rest away for the remaining groups. they shld die early. anyway we went to ate Macdonald's and went home!

`boy oh boy i'm blown away
yeah, can relax myself this weekend cos there's nth much to do already.. stay over at darling's hse watch dvds and eating snacks.. we are going to be very very fat. but, nvm lah.. wahaha.. i really like spending time together like tt, we give ourselves full attention, can talk at nite till we doze off, watching movie and eating... a very wonderful and lovely feeling.

we went to travel agents with friends to check out the prices for HK trip.. oh man its the trade fair in canton and the hotel prices are soo expensive.. we decided to save some budget for hotel and spend it on shopping instead.. sigh there's so many things on my mind i'm scared will happen.. sad and angry... one day will i be alone again, will love leave me, blah blah... shhh...

i am very excited for the trip... cant wait to pack luggage and stuff!! gonna be very fun in
the airport, slack in the passengers check-in area... the airport is sooooo nice!!! can eat and walk.. wahahha.. cant wait to SHOP!!!! the best thing abt hk is the nightlife we dun have here.. oh man!! hehehe.. the preparation b4 the trip is the best things in going for a holiday... YEAH!~~~

`love be stronger..
Hmm finally finished all the projects... hope we did well after so much hardwork and sacrifices. yeah... Presentation went quite well for marcom, i din realise i was smiling.. but anyway i tot i was crapping becos i onli realised wut i am presenting on tt very day.. lucky managed to pull through.. must pull up my marcom cos i got C for my test.. quite sad.. hmm now left onli commskills meeting roleplay... i think it's quite boring.

Million dollar baby wasnt so great at the start but its best when maggie was beaten by tt cheat boxer.. its quite a pity, in the end she ask the coach to let her die... it's like she doesnt wanna hang on animore living life like this.. forgotten wut movies we watch also.. too many.. wahahhaa.. sigh life is bad when we quarrel.. seems neverending.. dunno why.. for girls, we always wanna communicate and talk things out.. but for guys, they dun really think the same way we do.. its hard. can cry. though at the end everything is fine again, i still do feel tired.. so, its sth i have to try, to have a bigger fat heart. Bop, bop, bop......

`really happy that projs are ENDING!~
Oh man... Projects and projects will kill me sooner or later... i guess the whole sch is busy with them.. everyday rushing in the labs, working till late nite, getting stressed whether the damn proj is gd, editting and spotting no mistakes which appear in the end... this is poly's life. put in alot of effort to get sth done to show our tutors, who will either reprimand or compliment the work.. it's all last minute efforts, tts for us. sometimes we blame ourselves for being so slack and not being consistent, and promise ourselves we'll not be lazy next time round... BUT! it actually repeats again. The punishment are: Rushing and feeling sooo stressed and tired.

Opportunity cost they say. but lucky for our grp, we hardly stay back till 7 plus, or none. we rushed at the speed of light, but managed to get things done.. wahahha i'm so proud of us. actually i like slacking in the lab and surfing web. reaching sch at 9 sth to book comp and then do our work.. this is life? lacklustre. onli go out on weekends to relax. problems like schwork, love, family begin piling up at the most crucial point of busy-"paradise". tts when things will crumble if u aint strong enuf to hang on. motivation can help though.. Hey tts why Maslow is soo popular here.. u do get motivated by him when he's supposedly appearing in ur papers.

Chingay is a very huge event, very like masquerade frm different countries. soo many people, i witness my first firecracker in singapore.. loud and bombastic. HEE. i tot wut happen.. and there's the music and crowd sifting through crowds. lonely day. until met up with friends.. actually singapore is abit boring now, there's hardly any place new we can go.. hmm..

crystal's bday went to walk ard and eat cake.. hahah gave her a surprise when nancy pretended not to come.. ate at ramen ten wow the noodles are damn hot and its not bad.. ajisen is better.. but this is cheaper. the cake was black and round.. wahahha.. took many pictures i look fat-faced. sigh~ it's hard to give up food when its one of my favorite kind of motivation in life. i like to munch alot.. yummy.
it's valentine's day!! no sch today! right at 12am, darling wished me first!! grr i tot i can be faster than him but i feel so touched(by a pig) wahahah.. met up with him in sch.. saw the stalls selling flowers.. haha.. sat down and read the biz news for awhile.. very crappy. saw yilin and went down canteen to wait.. talked with crystal b4 he came.. hahaha.. went to city hall area first.. hehe darling gave me a love-a-lot carebear on the bus.. the hair is very straight, unlike the other babies.. wahahah.. sorry i was abit disappointed tt time, becos i tot u onli give me the bear and no flowers... heeh mayb i am very greedy, i wan 12 roses also.. we walk to peninsula, then go to simply toys' new store.. wahaha we walking near the big building outside padang if i'm not wrong.. then saw many ppl there.. ppl acting... nothing special.. but guess wut! vincent ng is there!! omg he's so cute. wahahhaa.. we still blur blur walk further until darling stop. he said vincent ng saw us and smiled at us or wut i forgot.. wah lao i din see!!!! so wasted.. HAHAHA..

hmm then walk to boat quay tt area.. hee we were talking abit of crap and rubbish abt the stone figures.. my friends and cats! the other one at esplanade eating. wahaha.. then darling bought a red rose.. erm then i felt better altho i also say i wan a pink one.. hahahahha.. forgive me!! oh the new store actually got quite many things i nv see b4.. quite cute toys there.. got piglet there and looney babies.. and many more! wanted to go esplanade but no time liao.. so go orchard awhile.. hehehe buy a pink rose outside lido.. wahaha.. dun hv 'niu niu' fries in mac already.. so takeaway jap noodles and sat outside Furla in taka.. hee special dinner. went darling's hse to eat again.. gave me a surprise! a pink flower toy.. BIG stalk, can take and whack. anyway i really like it cos it wun wilt.. put on my bed.. i'm very happy becos u care and wan me to be happy.. but i feel very very bad din give u present... will make it up to u!!!!!

`i love u and the carebear and flowers :D
Ahhh.. celebrated the pre-valentine special with darling! hahaha.. 1st vday with my bf ok!! we had a great time.. hmm went his house to bai nian with his mum first.. hehehe got angbaos from darling's family.. after that slack awhile then go to woodlands for the uncle ringo uk funfair.. walked ard causeway point, but its very boring there.. wahaha no pretty girls, no handsome guys.. wow, the funfair still mus pay 2 bucks admission fee.. haha..

yeah we were deciding which rides to take first!! got some rides like very normal ones, dun look fun.. so i suggested the GFORCE!! there was ppl trying and it looks exciting when the ppl on it looks terrified.. waited quite awhile b4 we were up on the seat.. mus take off my flats in case it flies off.. dunno how to describe the feeling tt time.. very anticipating ride. wahahha.. i nv take this kinda very very scary and fast ride b4, but for the fun of it.. wah the gforce really is gravitational force, because it turns up and down and back and forth and upside down like nobody's business. i feel like i keep falling and falling!! omg, very scary but fun. i scream until very tired in the end jus give up and close my eyes at the last round. cannot bear to look... wahahah.. when we were on top, can see most of woodlands.. i wanna see but cant focus well becos i'm scared the cabin will start swaying when wind blows.. ;< haha.. talk awhile then WHEEEEE~ fall. at tt moment i was thinking whether i will get hurled out of tt seat anot cos its damn fast to me.. round and round.. yell and yell.. Pure fun and get scary.. hohoho..

we din get the vomitty feeling until 5 mins later.. grr. haha.. but guess we're still quite strong, nv vomit. wahahah.. after this walk abit to recover, and tried ferris wheel. quite high and also can get good view.. haha darling was telling me it's even scarier than gforce becos this one has nth to secure us.. at 1st i not scared one ok.. then later erh hahah start getting abit giddy after wut he said.. ur fault! nvm if we fall can hold on to the pole.

play some stall games later, too bad din win anithing... it's so hard to get a prize.. ARgh.. but the soft toys not very cute also.. so at least i din feel very very disappointed.. yeah decided to leave the place in case we spend more money.. abt 50 bucks gone.. but still, we had fun! headed down to bugis for dinner and movie.. ate beef noodles at Lai Lai.. the 1st time we 2 ate together, together! yeah yeah i'm naggy. wahha.. i like the soup alot, salty salty.. yummy! watched constantine.. it was okok lo, i expected more action packed.. haha.. ate snacks again.. this time got 2 ah peks, they talked on hp very loud so rudely.. grrr. haha.. weird.. GO HOME!~ i am very happy, i feel loved by u my dearest, thanks alot alot to u for today's programme, i truly enjoyed every bit.. hope u do too!

`the best i've ever had.
2nd day of new year.. my aunties and cousins came my hse.. then we scratch the zoo cards.. onli won 1 dollar.. waahah so kuku one.. later we go grandma hse to gamble.. play mj and blackjack.. as usual i lost a blackjack.. play mj won abit of money.. wahhahaha..

3rd day.. no sch... at 1st dunno wanna go janis hse gamble but then later it's cancelled.. then too late already to join des they all for movie.. so stay at hme and play mj with my sis, bro and dad.. win abt 20 dollars.. played until 2am... wahhahah... not bad not bad... luck was quite good.. feel so happy wahhahaha...

`i miss u...
First day of new year.. so tired... got my first angbao frm my parents.. go my grandma hse in sk first.. play blackjack.. wah lao, my luck not good at that.. losing streak.. grrr. eat alot of snack goodies and drinks.. hang ard then go another grandma hse in yishun.. sigh this year new year like abit boring.. nt much ppl at the house then dun hv the new year mood.. fell asleep most of the time there.. zzz..

`happy new year pull ur ear.. ear..
Yeahhh its chinese new year eve!! oh man, waiting for this so long... can eat nice steamboat, take angbaos, gamble and go out!! no sch today.. so spent my day cleaning the toys on my shelves.. put them all in a blue basin.. wahahha the rocking horses all look so cute and colorful in the water.. for one moment, i tot they look like seahorses!! haaha.. yeah i like to clean my things once in a while.. feels great to clear the dirt.. after that got ready and went to my grandma's house for reunion dinner... so hungry.. in the end finally can eat already.. yummy! the soup was very nice and i kept drinking.. ate 2 bowls of rice.. hahahaha.. yeah very full now.. slack ard abit then went to darling's house.. he was doing proj while i watch tv.. hee. then ard 11 30 like that, we went to his grandma hse.. ate paddle pops and watched the countdown show.. too bad cant see fireworks live.. but nvm we'll hv chance again on 23rd feb.. wahahah.. later went to bugis temple with his parents.. wow so many many ppl, so much smoke.. first time here on new year eve.. everybody wants to put the first joss stick of the year... hmm then go jalan kayu eat.. the mutton soup not bad, but very oily!! i like the bandung.. lalaaa go home~

`Happy new year pull ur ear!
Ji Mei flower place at thomson with my family.. wow alot of ppl buying flowers for new year. and there are alot of flowers! some is ugly.. i like the roses and tulips! very very nice.. i also like the chili plant pot.. hhaaha grow them, eat them. it's interesting to grow sth to eat!! feel like buying.. hahaha.. then in the end bought one small pot of hyacinth, i dun really like it alot, jus find it ok.. becos it gives me a eeky feeling.. too bad they dun hv small white lilies my sec sch used to grow.. those gardening days.. wahahahaha.. oh yeah the orchids also very beautiful.. saw a plant called buddha's palm.. looks very odd really. there's also gerbera, hydrangea, pussy willows.. hahhaha.. the cold room is very very big and cold.. anyway quite fun walking a big flower shop or place for the first time...

`flowers bloom bloom BOOM!
today is a very sad day for me.. quarelled again.. i was very very angry.. din hv mood to do anithing or go out already.. then later on, ok again when we met up.. tired.. we walk ard town with chewhong, eating then looking for movie tickets for Fighter in the wind.. had a hard time looking b4 we settled at shaw towers.. shop ard in bugis, wah so many ppl!! feel like shopping too.. darling bought me a Dreamy america life.. it's a toy food of the americans! wahahha so cute cute i hope can get the whole set!! but it's expensive.. so 1 at a time.. yoshinoya has the nicest beef bowl.. yummy. the movie wasnt tt great.. i like the cinema, very big and so little ppl... nice~

after tt go bugis meet his mum and walk ard chinatown.. we went the wrong way and drove one round in orchard.. chinatown alot of ppl there, so lively.. many kinds of food!! got turkish icecream, german sausages, mochi and many! can absorb abit of the mood.. wahaha.. not bad, i like to walk there occassionally.. remember tt time so nice also.. hee. ate chicken porridge at chang chen, quite ok onli... then later watched some auctions.. haha.. then go home!!

`i really had a good time with u
Yeap its friday and it's shopping time! orchard with angie and nancy.. hahaha.. lets JUGGLE balls! had a good time with the girls.. haha at least angie and me buy sth.. nancy cudnt find clothes tt she likes.. hurry!! ate at sakura again.. the chicken wanton noodles is horrible.. but i love the tomyam chicken soup and kangkong.. i bought a red polo tee, looks lucky if i wear it. hehe.. total i bought 3 skirts and 2 tops.. left with little $$$. after tt met up with ah bra and we slacked ard in coffee club.. ahh the food there is so expensive... din order anithing.. chit chat awhile then go hme with nancy.. so tired....
hello. i missed my BB's lect and tut becos i overslept.. then go school do my projs and slack ard with xinyi.. went orchard with darling.. hiak hiak.. dunno why but i love taking bus trips with darling.. hoohoo~ holding hands and sleeping on the bus.. wahahah.. oh yeah pass by sheares's bridge on bus 36.. wowwie the scene is good and can see alot of buildings!! if at night, i tink it will be more beautiful.. shop ard in heeren and tried on 4 polo tees.. guess wut! while removing the 4th tee, i realised it cost $84!!! so expensive!! and embarrassing aniway.. hahah.. altho it looks nice but nt worth it...

go far east, wanna go eat the turkish ice-cream but they always do tricks on u b4 giving u the cone.. grrr. WHY issit so hard to eat a tasty ice-cream? we told the guy we were in a rush for movie and he give black face.. then there's some ah beng giggling so loudly and waiting happily to see us be tricked.. like wut the hell... darling calls them tweets. wahhaha.. in the end he gave it to us peacefully and i felt so VICTORIOUS tt those tweets were laughing for nth..

`strawberry pocky
hii yeah.. jus came back from driving.. so tired! it is the first time i din stall on the road.. but when i returning to the circuit.. ONCE ok! yeap i kinda enjoy driving with the instructor today.. i quite like the instructor: he doesnt make me nervous, he's quiet when he is supposed to, explain things in a very good and nice way.. so i hope next lesson it will be him instead of that "doctor" who makes me very very scared and anxious becos he's crazy. i had no classes today..

watched Hotel Rwanda with darling on saturday.. it's a nice show, we like it. paul is a hero, smart, loving, and the tragedies of a civil war.. hmm we bought alot of food into the cinema wahahha.. happy meal, japan's Beebee, hot and spicy chips! seems like going for a picnic instead.. but its so yummy to munch sth when watching movie.. wahahha.. after tt go bedok 511 dinner with his parents.. wow they ordered many food!! the food is good! i'm hungry too.. hee.. stay over at his hse and next morning to zouk flea.. nothing much there to buy.. saw fiona xie, she's very pretty.

took LRT to my grandma place and the tracks look like rollecoaster. quite fun and fast!

`chinese new year is coming
it's a boring day at 1st, waking up with a headache due to drinking ytd.. met up with crystal in sk to get my stuff and also to chat awhile.. ahh.. let's hope everything is fine for our dear fren.. haha we shopped ard even though crystal got test to study for.. better buy the clothes fast!

i went home and slp.. go plaza singapura with my family.. wah so many many ppl there, and so many things to see! i wanna go see the shop selling cute cute things.. ate at crystal jade, hmm the food is good.. and i love the mango pudding!!! wahaha.. i bring bedtime and grumpy out today.. love to touch them! accompanied my mum to shop for her new year clothes.. enjoy picking clothes for her.. but none suit her.. hahhaa.. carrefour is damn cold... grr.. i like to go supermarket to buy food.. so many to choose from.. my poor brother tag along like so tired.. hehee.

wanna go watch movies and shop with darling.. exam period din meet up much and the constant arguments yeah.. hotel rwanda and heffalump!!! take a look at my web links for the trailer webby of heffalump.. it's a cute baby elephant.

`hi my name is lumpy
happy birthday to dearest angie! hope u be happy and we'll always be here to listen to u... yeap earlier went darling's house.. wahahah i got a surprise! got a grumpy bear!!! :< he's so cute and mini!! now bedtime bear has a grumpy partner loh... thank u sweetie..~ hang ard eating the pizza sticks and reading mag... and sleeping.. zzz.. then ate dinner at interchange b4 goin to town to meet the girls.. haha angie blew the birthday candles at deserted corner in orchard.. the cake not bad.. hungry! we were stuck between chinablack and fisherman's.. but we wear quite slack and not enuff cash, so in the end it's fisherman..

sean drove us to changi runway there and changi village.. hahah the planes flying across the starry sky were very very nice... i love it and hope can go there again.. oh yes, there's a few cars there too, ehh couples! whahaha.. we looped round changi v quite a few times to see the trans.. at fisherman, we drank and ate fries, tofus.. played card games very very funny!! we shout alot, esp nancy and angie.. nancy is so blur... wahahha.. yeap we all had alot of fun there.. forfeiting, shouting and laughing.. hoho. yeah jus remember we all were happy to be celebrating angie's bday. cheers to u~ =)

`the many faces of love and beloved
hmm yeah was in town with crystal and nancy jus now.. shopping!! ate the orchard road ice-cream i like alot.. so cooling.. wahahha.. went to mango to look ard, then i saw this beige skirt quite nice.. tried it and looks okok.. eh anyway hard to find skirt tt really suits me, soo i bought it.. 55 bucks gone... after tt was far east as usual.. saw nice pairs of shoes which i am still tinking whether to buy.. oh i also bought a black spag there.. haha.. partly for new year.. still have to buy summore cos it's not enuff for 2 days!! hahha they tried on "peng cha" top.. very chinois... crystal bought a big black but colorful bag.. hahah very loud but suits her.. hee. hmm ate dinner in sakura, the tomyam chicken soup was very gd!! the price quite ok lah.. later on slack at mcCafe and i had to go buy shoes for dear crystal cos her slippers died.. wahhaha.. yeah we talk like the old days.. fun!! definitely made me happier cos i wasn't feeling good recently.. i dun wanna be a failure in studies, love or my life..

`McCafe's passion fruit tea is not tasty at all...
yay!! exams are over! had my marcom paper ytd.. damn idiotic, came out one EC house advert... i duno how to really explain those things, can onli remember saying 10 bucks in 10 mins express cut... too many times.. basically. i cant finish the paper.. tink wun get very gd grades for it already.. but lucky buyer behavior is ok... although din write exactly to the points, overall i had a better feeling abt it than marcom.. hahaha.. hope its fine... grr i study like mad, reading and memorising the notes but some still cant get in.. brain abit laggy than those sec sch days.. not effective! went to tamp with nancy for dinner and abit of shopping.. hee turn some toys again.. wow now tm and cs got alot of new shops.. esp tm, theres one open plaza.. and the layout of the top lvl looks nicer... walk walk then go home already.. nancy came my hse awhile to pass time.. hahah.. we talk abt the pri and sec sch days damn funny.. quite miss it actually.. everyone is so innocent at tt time.. ahahahah.. but we'll nv get it back again..

`we all need some time alone..
my silent jealousy.

i wanna feel to be unfeeling, feel to be happy again.

the heartwrenching moments

relives again.

do you?

hmm ytd we celebrated darling's bday at fisherman village and partyworld ktv... wahhaha the food there erh not very nice... onli a few dishes i like... the tofu and kangkong! the sea breeze very cold but i like the place there.. after we ate dinner, we went down to ktv at loyang point.. ahahah got free 4 hrs but in the end the bill also very expensive... sing alot alot of songs.. i like the snacks and beer.... hehe enjoyed myself at the ktv, hope darling also enjoyed himself too... pssst~ after the ktv, everyone's tired and drunky.. face very red!!! hohoho.. gave him the presents and a card i made!!! do u like the pens? wahahha..

`happy birthday to you my dearest*
Ahhh had my interview today.. wah lao all the questions i prepare, hardly any came out.. the interviewers were mrs chan and mdm aishah... sigh.. abit worried cos i jus whack out wutever made sense to me at tt very very MOMENT.. hope they din tink it was ridiculous or braggy.. wahahha.. i was trying hard not to laugh or tremble.. geez. pray i at least get some reasonable grade for tt... hohoho... dun care already cos its over.. then my stomach very pain... my mood sucks like hell and we quarrelled.. erm its a misunderstanding... but i was very pissed off whenever it hurts so much like today.. sigh.. so paiseh becos i was scolding and crying.. beeep* sorry darling... i sort of spoilt ur mood on ur special day very badly too.. and its ur birthday! dang dang dang! happy bday to u!!! =D boooo~~

`i love u forever baby boy
jus came back from town with darling.. watched Meet the Fockers, it was funny at some parts, but sometimes along the movie like abit too draggy.. its abt 2 hrs i tink.. i prefer the prequel of it.. owen wilson is damn handsome.... hahah.. aiyo shit man my maryjane is spoilt till darling looks at it and can still laugh... tattered and torn! walked ard looking for new ones but dun hv my size!! i'm so sad becos my leg size can hardly find any nice shoes to wear... why like tt one... sigh.. cant do anithing abt it also. sigh.. oh yeah went to turn tofu and mickey mouse chain!! hahah tofus they are so cute sitting in tt cars! i like the strawberry one but dun hv already.. the milk tofu is so nice too~ haha..

gosh morning my bb test i forgot to study 3b... onli realised it when i reached school.. lucky its onli mcq.. the test was okok, some quite tricky, din really noe if my ans is correct, jus put in sth tt made sense to me... hope i did well for it.. after quiz, ate lunch with nancy at bedok before goin to darling's hse.. i'm still angry abt someone and i really dun like it!! one more time and i will kill.. argh. dunno man, wish she'd jus go away.. or i will.

`grumpy lah
arggghhh! for commskills i am an interviewee... means there's some questions i hv to prepare myself before D-day.. in case of verbal diarrhoea halfway through... i'm not gd at talking like in an oral exam, i cannot tink fast enuf.. wahahha writing better lah.. mus wear formal also i tink will look like crap when i am one right now.. SO! its stressful when she looks at me with scary eyes, i will crumble.. will try my best to stay calm and answer appropriately... but one thing to console myself is its onli 15 mins! phew! hmm, din meet up with darling for a few days already... all of us gt projs to rush and hv to study so, no time! yeappp miss him alot... but nvm we gonna watch meet the fockers on sat (quiz day)... hahaha.. better study hard first.. feel like eating bak chor meeee, and soupy food...........

`i miss those times too!
so lazy to blog this few days, nth much to say also.. PBL projects and alot of things to be done, at least i finish my peer notes for commskills online.. feel happier too. wahahh.. my timetable now very short.. monday onli go sch for 2 hrs, wed no need go at all, thurs 45 mins.. 3 very short days.. slack but balance the projs.. haha.. oh yeah today went for FTT with darling.. aiyo overall its not bad bah, shld be can pass! if not, mus book again very waste of time.. then went bedok eat... ah i eat sichuan paigu soup... very very NICE! so long nv drink it already... hahah.. go home afterwards.. so tired... oops 8 more days to darling's bday lah! how?! havent tot of anithing yet... i wanna turn tofu! strawberry one!!! so cute ok... *(^o^)* ~

`love is patient, love is kind...
happy new year everyone!~ this is my 1st time spending nye on a beach party at sentosa with darling and his frens!! hmm it was raining on and off the whole day, which is quite dampening.. i was late and b4 goin in, we ate the chicken rice there.. super duper nice!!!! we stood for abt 6 hrs plus with rain occassionally.. grrr so cold and drenched.. waited for few hrs before the party really started... got gurmit singh and michelle chong as hosts and the Idol finalists all came and sing... rui en is very pretty and tts why so many guys were screaming for her.. ahem* wahahha.. oh yeah there's performance by project liquid which i dun like at all and chou pi jiang.. nt bad and better than liquid. so its solid~ hmm. then got crowd surfing and damn pity those who drop to the floor with a thud.. hehe..

ahhh forgot to mention abt thai men.. piang ooi they are really rowdy and idiotic.. see the girls dancing they like damn excited and enthusiastic.. got a weird smell they still squeeze and squeeze the place like nobody's business.. how can?! urgh.. wahahah.. feel like whacking their faces.. anyway it was fun counting down and playing and screaming! then we went to take photos and eat pizza after midnite.. dance and slack ard and play tootoo trains with many ppl... very fun!! lost 1 pic there but nvm we went to take pic again, its free.. hahaha.. hang ard sentosa till 4 plus then go off already.. waited for first train and go off to darling's hse to slp... slp like pigssss on first day of 2005! so happy oh... =D

`a very merry pooh year