Hmm finally finished all the projects... hope we did well after so much hardwork and sacrifices. yeah... Presentation went quite well for marcom, i din realise i was smiling.. but anyway i tot i was crapping becos i onli realised wut i am presenting on tt very day.. lucky managed to pull through.. must pull up my marcom cos i got C for my test.. quite sad.. hmm now left onli commskills meeting roleplay... i think it's quite boring.

Million dollar baby wasnt so great at the start but its best when maggie was beaten by tt cheat boxer.. its quite a pity, in the end she ask the coach to let her die... it's like she doesnt wanna hang on animore living life like this.. forgotten wut movies we watch also.. too many.. wahahhaa.. sigh life is bad when we quarrel.. seems neverending.. dunno why.. for girls, we always wanna communicate and talk things out.. but for guys, they dun really think the same way we do.. its hard. can cry. though at the end everything is fine again, i still do feel tired.. so, its sth i have to try, to have a bigger fat heart. Bop, bop, bop......

`really happy that projs are ENDING!~

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