Oh man... Projects and projects will kill me sooner or later... i guess the whole sch is busy with them.. everyday rushing in the labs, working till late nite, getting stressed whether the damn proj is gd, editting and spotting no mistakes which appear in the end... this is poly's life. put in alot of effort to get sth done to show our tutors, who will either reprimand or compliment the work.. it's all last minute efforts, tts for us. sometimes we blame ourselves for being so slack and not being consistent, and promise ourselves we'll not be lazy next time round... BUT! it actually repeats again. The punishment are: Rushing and feeling sooo stressed and tired.

Opportunity cost they say. but lucky for our grp, we hardly stay back till 7 plus, or none. we rushed at the speed of light, but managed to get things done.. wahahha i'm so proud of us. actually i like slacking in the lab and surfing web. reaching sch at 9 sth to book comp and then do our work.. this is life? lacklustre. onli go out on weekends to relax. problems like schwork, love, family begin piling up at the most crucial point of busy-"paradise". tts when things will crumble if u aint strong enuf to hang on. motivation can help though.. Hey tts why Maslow is soo popular here.. u do get motivated by him when he's supposedly appearing in ur papers.

Chingay is a very huge event, very like masquerade frm different countries. soo many people, i witness my first firecracker in singapore.. loud and bombastic. HEE. i tot wut happen.. and there's the music and crowd sifting through crowds. lonely day. until met up with friends.. actually singapore is abit boring now, there's hardly any place new we can go.. hmm..

crystal's bday went to walk ard and eat cake.. hahah gave her a surprise when nancy pretended not to come.. ate at ramen ten wow the noodles are damn hot and its not bad.. ajisen is better.. but this is cheaper. the cake was black and round.. wahahha.. took many pictures i look fat-faced. sigh~ it's hard to give up food when its one of my favorite kind of motivation in life. i like to munch alot.. yummy.

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