hello. i missed my BB's lect and tut becos i overslept.. then go school do my projs and slack ard with xinyi.. went orchard with darling.. hiak hiak.. dunno why but i love taking bus trips with darling.. hoohoo~ holding hands and sleeping on the bus.. wahahah.. oh yeah pass by sheares's bridge on bus 36.. wowwie the scene is good and can see alot of buildings!! if at night, i tink it will be more beautiful.. shop ard in heeren and tried on 4 polo tees.. guess wut! while removing the 4th tee, i realised it cost $84!!! so expensive!! and embarrassing aniway.. hahah.. altho it looks nice but nt worth it...

go far east, wanna go eat the turkish ice-cream but they always do tricks on u b4 giving u the cone.. grrr. WHY issit so hard to eat a tasty ice-cream? we told the guy we were in a rush for movie and he give black face.. then there's some ah beng giggling so loudly and waiting happily to see us be tricked.. like wut the hell... darling calls them tweets. wahhaha.. in the end he gave it to us peacefully and i felt so VICTORIOUS tt those tweets were laughing for nth..

`strawberry pocky

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