today is a very sad day for me.. quarelled again.. i was very very angry.. din hv mood to do anithing or go out already.. then later on, ok again when we met up.. tired.. we walk ard town with chewhong, eating then looking for movie tickets for Fighter in the wind.. had a hard time looking b4 we settled at shaw towers.. shop ard in bugis, wah so many ppl!! feel like shopping too.. darling bought me a Dreamy america life.. it's a toy food of the americans! wahahha so cute cute i hope can get the whole set!! but it's expensive.. so 1 at a time.. yoshinoya has the nicest beef bowl.. yummy. the movie wasnt tt great.. i like the cinema, very big and so little ppl... nice~

after tt go bugis meet his mum and walk ard chinatown.. we went the wrong way and drove one round in orchard.. chinatown alot of ppl there, so lively.. many kinds of food!! got turkish icecream, german sausages, mochi and many! can absorb abit of the mood.. wahaha.. not bad, i like to walk there occassionally.. remember tt time so nice also.. hee. ate chicken porridge at chang chen, quite ok onli... then later watched some auctions.. haha.. then go home!!

`i really had a good time with u

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