hii yeah.. jus came back from driving.. so tired! it is the first time i din stall on the road.. but when i returning to the circuit.. ONCE ok! yeap i kinda enjoy driving with the instructor today.. i quite like the instructor: he doesnt make me nervous, he's quiet when he is supposed to, explain things in a very good and nice way.. so i hope next lesson it will be him instead of that "doctor" who makes me very very scared and anxious becos he's crazy. i had no classes today..

watched Hotel Rwanda with darling on saturday.. it's a nice show, we like it. paul is a hero, smart, loving, and the tragedies of a civil war.. hmm we bought alot of food into the cinema wahahha.. happy meal, japan's Beebee, hot and spicy chips! seems like going for a picnic instead.. but its so yummy to munch sth when watching movie.. wahahha.. after tt go bedok 511 dinner with his parents.. wow they ordered many food!! the food is good! i'm hungry too.. hee.. stay over at his hse and next morning to zouk flea.. nothing much there to buy.. saw fiona xie, she's very pretty.

took LRT to my grandma place and the tracks look like rollecoaster. quite fun and fast!

`chinese new year is coming

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