happy new year everyone!~ this is my 1st time spending nye on a beach party at sentosa with darling and his frens!! hmm it was raining on and off the whole day, which is quite dampening.. i was late and b4 goin in, we ate the chicken rice there.. super duper nice!!!! we stood for abt 6 hrs plus with rain occassionally.. grrr so cold and drenched.. waited for few hrs before the party really started... got gurmit singh and michelle chong as hosts and the Idol finalists all came and sing... rui en is very pretty and tts why so many guys were screaming for her.. ahem* wahahha.. oh yeah there's performance by project liquid which i dun like at all and chou pi jiang.. nt bad and better than liquid. so its solid~ hmm. then got crowd surfing and damn pity those who drop to the floor with a thud.. hehe..

ahhh forgot to mention abt thai men.. piang ooi they are really rowdy and idiotic.. see the girls dancing they like damn excited and enthusiastic.. got a weird smell they still squeeze and squeeze the place like nobody's business.. how can?! urgh.. wahahah.. feel like whacking their faces.. anyway it was fun counting down and playing and screaming! then we went to take photos and eat pizza after midnite.. dance and slack ard and play tootoo trains with many ppl... very fun!! lost 1 pic there but nvm we went to take pic again, its free.. hahaha.. hang ard sentosa till 4 plus then go off already.. waited for first train and go off to darling's hse to slp... slp like pigssss on first day of 2005! so happy oh... =D

`a very merry pooh year

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