happy birthday to dearest angie! hope u be happy and we'll always be here to listen to u... yeap earlier went darling's house.. wahahah i got a surprise! got a grumpy bear!!! :< he's so cute and mini!! now bedtime bear has a grumpy partner loh... thank u sweetie..~ hang ard eating the pizza sticks and reading mag... and sleeping.. zzz.. then ate dinner at interchange b4 goin to town to meet the girls.. haha angie blew the birthday candles at deserted corner in orchard.. the cake not bad.. hungry! we were stuck between chinablack and fisherman's.. but we wear quite slack and not enuff cash, so in the end it's fisherman..

sean drove us to changi runway there and changi village.. hahah the planes flying across the starry sky were very very nice... i love it and hope can go there again.. oh yes, there's a few cars there too, ehh couples! whahaha.. we looped round changi v quite a few times to see the trans.. at fisherman, we drank and ate fries, tofus.. played card games very very funny!! we shout alot, esp nancy and angie.. nancy is so blur... wahahha.. yeap we all had alot of fun there.. forfeiting, shouting and laughing.. hoho. yeah jus remember we all were happy to be celebrating angie's bday. cheers to u~ =)

`the many faces of love and beloved

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