hmm yeah was in town with crystal and nancy jus now.. shopping!! ate the orchard road ice-cream i like alot.. so cooling.. wahahha.. went to mango to look ard, then i saw this beige skirt quite nice.. tried it and looks okok.. eh anyway hard to find skirt tt really suits me, soo i bought it.. 55 bucks gone... after tt was far east as usual.. saw nice pairs of shoes which i am still tinking whether to buy.. oh i also bought a black spag there.. haha.. partly for new year.. still have to buy summore cos it's not enuff for 2 days!! hahha they tried on "peng cha" top.. very chinois... crystal bought a big black but colorful bag.. hahah very loud but suits her.. hee. hmm ate dinner in sakura, the tomyam chicken soup was very gd!! the price quite ok lah.. later on slack at mcCafe and i had to go buy shoes for dear crystal cos her slippers died.. wahhaha.. yeah we talk like the old days.. fun!! definitely made me happier cos i wasn't feeling good recently.. i dun wanna be a failure in studies, love or my life..

`McCafe's passion fruit tea is not tasty at all...

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