Ahhh had my interview today.. wah lao all the questions i prepare, hardly any came out.. the interviewers were mrs chan and mdm aishah... sigh.. abit worried cos i jus whack out wutever made sense to me at tt very very MOMENT.. hope they din tink it was ridiculous or braggy.. wahahha.. i was trying hard not to laugh or tremble.. geez. pray i at least get some reasonable grade for tt... hohoho... dun care already cos its over.. then my stomach very pain... my mood sucks like hell and we quarrelled.. erm its a misunderstanding... but i was very pissed off whenever it hurts so much like today.. sigh.. so paiseh becos i was scolding and crying.. beeep* sorry darling... i sort of spoilt ur mood on ur special day very badly too.. and its ur birthday! dang dang dang! happy bday to u!!! =D boooo~~

`i love u forever baby boy

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