arggghhh! for commskills i am an interviewee... means there's some questions i hv to prepare myself before D-day.. in case of verbal diarrhoea halfway through... i'm not gd at talking like in an oral exam, i cannot tink fast enuf.. wahahha writing better lah.. mus wear formal also i tink will look like crap when i am one right now.. SO! its stressful when she looks at me with scary eyes, i will crumble.. will try my best to stay calm and answer appropriately... but one thing to console myself is its onli 15 mins! phew! hmm, din meet up with darling for a few days already... all of us gt projs to rush and hv to study so, no time! yeappp miss him alot... but nvm we gonna watch meet the fockers on sat (quiz day)... hahaha.. better study hard first.. feel like eating bak chor meeee, and soupy food...........

`i miss those times too!

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