Yoohoo its study week and i have not study for the past few days.. will be printing alot alot of notes becos the lazy teachers refuse to supply us with extra notes. Wut we are doing is detrimental to the society and environment, u teachers jus dun get it. Printing papers waste paper and OUR MONEY! i had to top up 10 bucks for my cashcard u noe. jus to print stacks of notes which i dunno will be of any USE. but jus to make me feel safer. sigh. studying in the canteen is quite nice, got food and the environment is gd. wahahhaa.. feelin damn lazy and had a very very terrible cramp. this is bullshit. i hope i can control myself till exams are all over. ok its getting more stress as i see there's more and more notes to revise. OH MY GOD!~

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