went out with nancy to town on sunday.. shopping but nth catches my eye... sigh abit sian.. both of us were very excited abt our trips! wahahha.. yeap i cant wait also.. buy toiletries, pack luggage, goin to the airport, taking pics!! hee.. walk ard in suntec and bugis also... wow alot of new beauty shops there.. i bought nail polish and mask.. i was so tempted to buy the lipgloss for 10 bucks.. almost the same as the estee lauder one.. haah good substitute for value. ok gonna get tt one soon. bought rubber ice cream for darling's bears.. whahahah they are cute! if we got money we will buy the whole set of rubber food. wahaha..

then later going home on the bus, we were talking abt funny things.. i'm reading Adrian Mole by sue townsend recently.. din read it during sec sch cos its abit pervertic. din accept tt last time. wahahah.. but now its ok ah.. funny guy and his life.. the way he demeans the ppl. then nancy and me were talking abt many things.. wahahhahaha.. hee quite rubbish but made the journey more fun.. haha.. had a good time anyway.. =D

`A. Mole

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