a very happy and sweet day... hmm finally all projs gone.. but still left commskills meeting.. we were thinking so hard and tired abt the roleplay until damn tired.. then darling came past where we were so he waited for me to go rent dvds AGAIN! wahahah... we been watching dvds for the past week, kill time.. so with a 360 deg change of speed, we hurry up finish the roleplay dialogue and went off to siglap..

accompany him to go extend his passport expiry date for the trip.. safra is a recreational club. wahahah.. so hot cos i was wearing the formal clothing for the roleplay which sucks. it was so unfair for our group.. selfish ppl who jus take wut they wan and throw the rest away for the remaining groups. they shld die early. anyway we went to ate Macdonald's and went home!

`boy oh boy i'm blown away

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