My love is gone. Wut now? This is so sick and terrible, becos i dun wanna hear all these ever again and i refused to believe everything u have said to me in the car.. all i keep doing was to stuff my brain with those happy lovely memories, and u keep flashing back in the mind, because darling i'm nv truly happy if u're not around. i cant talk i don't know what to say to make u stay again this time round. something's stuck in my throat and i stay awake at nite crying, i still feel the bloody pain tat this is happening again, much more from the one i love most in my whole fucking life.

it will be so hard living without u.. every moment, that i have remembered, every place we have gone to, the cutest u have given to me with ur love, the little toy babies, yet things had come till the very end i had no choice but to let u break away from me... neither do i wan u to lie to me nor me to force us to reach an ending that would leave us all fake and unhappy..

the tears keep flowing, i keep thinking and i'm going crazy

`without you i'm nothing, really

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