today is ocean park and The Peak day!! took train to admiralty if not wrong.. and bought tickets.. board the bus and took pictures again.. hmm hk is so nice even on hill tops.. its a very hot day tt day.. the escalators are asia 2nd longest.. u can see the small islands and scenery there... so long and its stuffy.. the 1st ride we took was the Miners one.. its quite scary when it goes down so fast... wahaha but its ok ah.. wun feel giddy. fun! then went up to the space sth ride which i tot is for kids cos they dun hv belts and safety things.. but wah lao, tt one is soooo giddy and scary. really defy gravity u cant even lift ur legs up!!! it turns round up and down... vomitty feeling.. wahaha.. then we went to take the paranoma tower.. those china ppl bad habits are acting up again.. they tried to cut queue but i stare at one of the men.. then later they cut the guard there shouted at them and requested them to be more civilised.. WAHAHA.. his face turn red.

its a great view up there, jus slow moving and rotating.. took pictures again! hahhaa.. walk to see the seal or sealions... they are very smart animals... hmm.. we went to see the shark and underwater world... OMG its so beautiful and cooling!! alot of ppl inside but we learn alot abt sharks wahaha.. the fishes are so bloody BIG!!!!! the place has 3 zones from surface water to deep waters.. then we see jelly fishes and nemo.. they look so animated but they are real... we are so fascinated by marine life!!!heheheh.. very wonderful..

later walk up to the games area.. wahahah the doraemons are so big and cute!! decided to try my luck at the tictactoe and i won one crab.. BRR but luckily 3 crabs can be exchange for one doraemon.. songlee play the hit the thing to see the power and won 1 mini doraemon which i took it.. wahahah.. they play the basketball game but onli won one black bird.. i picked up a 2 dollar coin.. i play a few more rounds jus to get another 2 crabs.. and i got!!! so i change it for a doraemon eating his fave pancake.. haha very nice to hug!! i'm so happy omg! this is so far the happiest day apart from shopping.. we all enjoyed alot..

later we play the rollercoaster near the sea.. ahahaa i din dare to play during pri 5.. i tot it was so scary but in the end we take together.. its not scary, jus rough riding cos keep knocking my head on the headrest... BRR~ we took again but this time we sit in the 1st carriage.. its scarier and faster... hahaha.. later the guys played the abyss but i din dare to take.. took cable car down to the lowland area of the park... we din wanna take with the china man.. haha.. lucky! suddenly the whole line of cablecars stop, quite traumatic actually imagine we really stuck there how to escape.. we took pictures of the surrounding and ourselves.. haha.. at 1st wanted to play grand prix but close already.. 6pm.. still havent had enuf.. din watch the dolphin show too.. we take pictures with the easter rabbit.. then go buy souvenirs already.. i buy a pink dolphin for keepsake.. hahaha..

later we took a tram up the peak.. wow its so steep and cold up there.. took pics with the scenery and skyline... buy a new camera for use in wax museum cos my batt run out.. hee.. the peak is so quiet and beautiful... wax museum was okok ah but we had fun taking pics with the wax like andy lau, beckham, james bond, lee kuan yew.. wahahha.. i ate the white cheese grilled chicken baked rice.. OMG its damn damn nice and filling.. hhaahhaa.. chin guan drop a spoon and sth very funny happen.. hmm later we went to mongkok again to shop... i bought a BB bag which is quite big maybe i can use for school.. darling buy polo tee... hahha.. wanted to go take ferry but its close.. we went to avenue of stars... oh hotel intercontinental is very very grand and nice.. the reception guy is cute. hiak hiak.. avenue of stars got alot of stars name on the floor, some with hand prints.. can see the harbor and skyline once again... so pretty and quiet.. sigh we all very tired.. i'm feeling sad and nostalgic abt leaving HK tml... took some pics there and jus sat ard.. i feel like crying. hahah.. went back to pack our stuff and slp..

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