woke up late again.. everyone's so tired... always before we go out we will discuss how much cash we bringing out.. hahhaa.. ok went yoshinoya for lunch.. the beef bowl is big and nice ok!! oh man.. they got smoking area.. haha.. went Rise again.. i bought meme tee and wanted to buy the crown necklace but its gone!! oh their Ji dan zai is sth like waffle and its not bad!! hmm darling bought a big bling earring wahahahha.. anyway tt place is a nice place to shop.. i realise all hk shop they hv very gd customer service: greeting customers. hmm.. regret not buying another meme tee. SIGH. i scared nt enuff cash..

Go to prince edward's allied plaza and pioneer centre.. Allied plaza is a good place to shop also.. the things there is cheaper than big shopping centres... i bought flats, pearl bracelet, earrings.. and a mickey tee for nancy bday present.. hmm HAO SHOU HUO. wahahaa... actually i quite angry cos darling not walking with me and sort of i realise tt we all hv different things to pursue in this trip.. we promise not to argue but well.. i'm angry i cant see my stuff when they are rushing.. i feel selfish but i understand everyone mus have chance to look at their own things cos if not this trip is wasted.. so the best is to give and take.. we walk on our own in allied plaza.. saw many cute toys but din buy.. SIGH.. i love the earrings i bought there cos its so nice.. mus go there again! then we went pioneer centre.. one floor sell bra and the other is toys and clothings.. the bra too lacy and padding too much. wahahaha so scary. oh i turn tofu there!!! too bad i dun hv enuf coins if not i will turn more.. tofu kids are so cute too!! there got nth much cos they are renovating...

ate at their restaurant again wow the porridge is very nice and tea taste good too.. after tt we walk pass goldfish market to ladies street and fa yuen street... this time we walk more.. the guys bought shoes while i jus laze ard there cos i'm so tired.. then ladies street i was more energetic.. haha buy pooh hp cover.. they bought rolex after some "upstairs tai".. wow illegal business upstairs in those dark residential areas.. i am surprise darling is so gd at bargaining.. wahaha.. hmm we went to trendyzone and yao wan centre... trendyzone i din walk upstairs lo!!! so wasted.. the yao wan is selling all toys!!! makes me crazy... the rement toys are so cheap but i din buy.. haha i scared i got back those i had.. i bought tomy pooh cooking toys and pooh mini tomy.. so cute... the toys there so wonderful!! i bought pooh pins and paperclips and passport covers....wahahahah... anyway i will sure go there again next time! wanted to buy the pooh set of tea which has the rest of the characters but its too ex... not worth... sigh.. its not available in sg... went back inn and slept to prepare for tml's exciting sightseeing and FUN. realise they sell porn and even have gashapon machines in 7-11!! hahah.. the qoo drink is nice.. the cup noodles good also.. everything IS GOOD!~

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