going home today.. went Rise wanted to buy shoe but the shops still close.. then went to ladies street again cos songlee rolex was spoilt.. by the time we come back no time to buy shoe already.. i was quite angry. but we had to rush.. sigh.. damn wasted.. the van fetch us to the airport.. bought lao po bing then wanted to eat at maxim or hang hueng but in the end ate the popeye's... they are like kfc.. nt bad lah.. i like it.. haha.. then we check in and its last call again... BRR~ so had to rush again... tk the bus and go up the plane!! we are so tired and sian.. slept mostly on plane... so sad!!!! so fast 5 days over already... singapore is boring.. i'm so glad we came hk.. bought things at dfs and darling's dad drove us home... the end.

`i love u darling!!!

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