Yoohoo! Its the 2nd day of Hk trip.. Woke up quite late today.. went Mac or sumwhere to eat i cant remember.. anyway their mac is so good with many variety such as strawberry milkshake tts so yummy but drink too much will feel like shitting!! then there's pork and other kinds of salads we dun hv it here.. hmm.. and the meals are MUCH cheaper! so today we venture to causeway bay at hongkong island, tts to Sogo and Timesquare and the Jardines' Bazaar.. Oh man the area there is so bustling with activity and people!!! really lively place... timesquare has i.t and i.t loves mickey.. and arnold palmer.. but their clothes dun really suit me cos kind of jappy.. haha.. anyway i went the mickey shop and buy a tee for myself and help tian nee buy her mickey shoes too! they give free mickey wristbands to every purchase i guess... its very very nice!!! bought tt tee for 200plus hkd.. abit big but nvm.. i realise my mickey bag i buy from miklio is frm this shop.. BAHHH.. they din give me the wristband wth..

went to i.t and buy one arnold palmer tote.. i like it cos it looks cute with tt rabbit holding an umbrella on clouds! hmm walk ard fcuk too.. nt bad their designs but they are expensive.. so din buy.. later go SOGO.. wow tts a very big shopping centre with more than 6 storeys.. VERY good place.. bought a pair of black roxy slippers with polka dots.. well i regret tts there's not enuf time for me to shop more cos the ladies section really really ALOT of things... bought 2 winnie the pooh cards also.. so cute.. sigh i am so sad i promise i will go there again if i go hk. we walk past Jardines' bazaar and they sell things damn cheap.. i buy a purple and white spaghetti for onli a few bucks and 2 pouch so cheap ok! the earrings also very cheap but too bad no time also.. their ripcurl shop is quiet unlike in sg so crowded.. the prices abt the same but designs different for some...

we went ladies market and fa yuen street to walk before shops close at ard 11 sth.. took pictures of our glorious purchases and walked whole street selling sports shoes.. really scary.. haha.. then ladies market we walk awhile cos they closing already.. the guys wanna buy rolex.. wahahaha... anyway we tried their roadside food.. the big hotdog is damn nice, the jap mushrooms wrapped in bacon or wut meat is okok and juicy, the chicken "satay" nt nice, the teriyaki one is ok except nt very cooked.. darling says may get diarrhoea or bird flu. hahaha.. then go mac eat becos we are all so tired and hungry.. drank milkshake again.. super nice.. ok then we head back to inn.. we played fei ji xing tt chin guan bought.. its very funny tt one of them sure get kicked back wahahha i tot i was winning cos i was very smooth.. but who noes i'm stuck at the last part the plane is returning home.. i cud hv won but everyone has returned home when i'm still stuck! so we counted how many times i rolled the dice: 16. i have to eat 16 shit!! darling they all keep laughing but the whole game was very fun.. i enjoyed playing but no shit..

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