OH hey. It's been long since i update the blog. Nothing much to write abt becos everyday its jus repeating same routine and laziness. Hmm, alrite holidays been almost a month left, gotten back disappointing results of my whole poly life, watching movies, stayin over at darling's place, going out, eating and eating.. life is good actually to have nth to worry abt.. jus watch creep, its nice and gory.. hahaha.. darling and i love CHEEZELS!!! oh yeah thanks to jasmine who introduced me Candy Empire!! Oh man tts a whole candy and snacks haven... VERy big and HUGE variety of Arnotts and retro candies we used to eat when we were young... but they are expensive.. BUT still, worth it cos its sooo nice.

Luck was with us last week when turning yujin capsules.. the mini gashapon machines made up of mickey, pinocchio, pooh, chesire cat, stitch and little mermaid. we got them all in a single shot without any REPEATS!!! first time ever... wahahhaa.. anyway we were very very happy! quite sian to shop for clothes actually cos nth nice this few weeks leh.. plus i'm broke... hahhaa.. oh yeah coming on in 2 days time we'll be going to HK! i hope i come back with many many things... hahhaa but i mus spend wisely cos its very expensive over there... hmmph. well pray all of us will have a safe journey throughout and enjoy ourselves. cant wait to gooooooo! will be packing my luggage later on at night.. yay! finally! can take pictures, mai dong xi chi dong xi (chant of the HKTB) wahaha...

`nth comes easy

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