Hello.. din blog for a very very long time yeah.. crystal reminded me! oh well.. i'm fine everything's good i hope it is forever.. i am happy and i wake up to a brand new boring day.. except that i had a very bad nightmare tt day.. terrified. now its a busy sem! everyweek so many things to submit and its making me crazy... classes are practically wasting time becos most of it we are doing nth much constructive.. sch food is one BIG reason why i still enjoy being in TP.. the food is nice and cheap!! my fave carbonara, fried fish noodle, western food and chinese cooked food... oh man got one week i tink we been eating the noodle everyday.. mad.. hmm, got my pay from the tiger beer event and i bought a black spag and shorts which i really like.. i wanna buy more clothes hahah.. went to momo with crystal and angie on fri.. drank alot i wun do tt again.. took crappy pictures in yoshinoya and i love the beef bowl.. delectable..

watched initial d on sat with darling after eating at crystal jade with my family.. the food is very nice and i like mango pudding.. tricking my bro, eating, and talking i feel very very happy and loved.. its a sweet different feeling afterall and i totally enjoyed every moment with him and everyone.. oh btw its a very nice and funny movie.. chapman to really say great jokes.. hahahah.. unforgettable.. and SHAWN yue is mine! (to crystal) he has a nice moustache. anyway we enjoyed it! i almost cried and laugh when he bluff me tt i am going home myself and he said drive me home for fun.. BRRRR we shared 1 curry puff and its the 1st time i eat it! hot and very yummy! then went darling hse eat chwee kueh and he drove me home.. first time out on the road! heheh abit scared at first.. but its not bad already.. lalala.. happy day~

its been some time since i had fun with him or my frens.. this week is a great great one becos i had twice the fun! really thank u girls for jus being there and listening and talking.. and for teaching me how to play hei bai chei.. wahaha.. its really idiotic.. i saw the new stussy prints polo tee its so nice but its 65! i am still thinking if i shld buy.. cos i like the design alot.. ok i hv to go now.. dunno wut i can say now.. Byebye lo

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