i am working on 3 sats for the tiger beer football challenge at the registration counters with nancy and frens.. the pay is 70 and 10 hrs, 3 meals included! thanks to nancy for introducing me this job.. i need some money, plus its temp! my fave kind of job.. saw a lot of haising comrades too wahahha.. made new frens and they are nice ppl!! at least get to see events mgmt live.. but seems tiring and weather is VERY HOT.. get to rest and do work.. can go out buy drinks.. the bosses are not bad.. and there's fake JJ Lin.. wahahha.. there's alot of weird wannabes and ppl.. cant believe it.. i am content with this job la and its ending next sat! yay means i will hv $$$ soon~ JIT for GSS.

bought a green top and 2 moomin kubrick series 2 on fri.. wah so lucky sg got sell lo!!!! i still need the policeman and the snork maiden i will get them soon! 7 bucks each can die.. i am happy with toys ard.. so many terrible things happen lately, issit that i am thinking too much, or i done so much to spoil everything we used to have, where have they all gone to?

`how does it feel like again?

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