now that most of us have received the gst credits for this year, maybe its puny or like money dropping from the sky. have u wondered what will u be doing with this amount of money? hmm hmm ...

list of what-i-probably-might-do :

1) Spend it in HK which i definitely will.
2) Save 20% of it.
3) more emotionally, i am willing to give up my 200 bucks this year jus to kill off the bloody asshole who stole my handphone last yr. TEAR him/her apart, whack him a 1000 times with a baseball bat, turn him upside down and rotate. if he's still alive, hope tt he will dream of himself dying every night.
4) perhaps if giving up 4 yrs of this gst stuff or more, will bring me back to the happiest years of my life, i would.

`i dunno if i miss the times or the person actually

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