updates ...

met up with crystal and nancy on fri for dinner in amk hub.. i was sooo fuckin late i'm so sorry girls. somehow its been a little suay and i've been a late queen! :p totally no democracy today cos i had no voting rights as to where to eat ehhh!!! so in the end after the 2 so-called bestest pigsy frens (teehehe) decided that we eat at pepper lunch and i ordered the the pepper chicken rice thingy with my fave peach tea. yummy! i love the salty rice haha. but seriously the serving of the chicken slices was damn pathetic. i felt like i was eating sliced chicks for young kiddos.

after tt we shopped ard the new mall, the clothes there were mainly for the younger teens. yawns. but we stopped by the face shop and i grabbed a bottle of nail polish. at 10% discount! hehe. very cheap oh~

and then we went to punggol park for some slacking and nonsense time.. guess we really had a great talk and a really ridiculous shit going on.. super funny bahaha. i wish we had more times like this!

and for thursday...

worked at this event in ritz carlton with jenn for a few hrs only.. wahaha.. wow its my first time stepping into the hotel and i tink service wise and deco, they are superb!! quite a nice simple event, wah makes me wanna like work sth related to it.. haha.. after work we chiong mango sales, which is super chaotic. din really spot anithing nice so went home shortly after tat.

`($_$) <3 $$$

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