okie dokie, met up with jenn for the porridge buffet at joaquim in suntec.. wah super cheap ah $9.80 nett. wahah.. but then we din really eat much cos porridge super filling.. we conquered 2 big bowls of porridge and some dishes like the pork thingy, eggs, veggies and some other stuff we almost surrender. but then its nv an ending without desserts! we were expecting maybe there would be some cakes or wut but nope.. there's only those soupy desserts like the black glutinous rice thing and green bean soup. the black rice one was quite ok but green bean tasted diluted. haha..

then we walked ard.. its like nth much to buy also. but they have a newly opened area filled with tons of small shops. ok then we went in search of toy room. i still prefer their old location cos they used to have lots of gashapon machines lined up nicely. now its located in this weird corner and the machines hav been reduced. BORING~~ we couldnt find the ship mates mascot thingy so after marina sq we walked down to bugis to turn the toy! haha..

i managed to get tigger and mickey and a stitch chain from another series very kawaii. total damage: 5 bucks. jenn got the stitch pirate super cute lor! haha.. but too bad, jin shi bu ru wang ri, i ain't got any money left. so we sat down in v8 and shared a cheesecake and coke. very budget afternoon tea. wahahaha.. then walk abit and go home!

`no numbers can replace your subtraction in the love formula

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