weekends are here finally ...

rainy day. supposed to meet up but everyone's got sth on, or the movie time clash. bahaha. super suay. so in the end, only met up with des for shoppin, dinner and movie. wah lao ck tangs was quite havoc, not to mention zara which is forever sooo messy. but ck tangs has got some great discounts, i spotted a tee but then, mo qin ah! then we walked ard awhile before heading down to bugis for dinner at v8. hiak hiak, finally i get to eat the chicken baked riceeee i'm craving for!! damn nice lahhh, the cheese and everything. also ordered chicken chop, smoothies and calamari. this is like a zillion times better than botak jones can. tsk tsk.

sibei sian since today nv buy anithing for myself, again. i decided to turn the gashapon machine! bahaha. there's this ship mates mascot by yujin+disney. super kawaiiii de lah! i managed to get POOH with the sword and a dangling chest! damn cute!! sorry i gotta rave abt this cos its super adorable, very in tune with the pirates movie. teehee. i wanna go turn more lo! then des got the cow tofu LOL


sigh then i saw this damn nice yellow peeptoes in topshop, but it costs like 59 bucks i forgot. no moneyyy. we watched fantastic 4 and i find it more entertaining than spiderman 3 leh. this is not so boring, with quite a number of funny scenes and more action. hmm damn sian lor nowadays weekends like basically doing the same thing, hw i wish we can go over to frens' place to cook and chill out together. spend little money and get quality time eh.

`i wish i own an apartment in the city!!!

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