Been workin for the past 2 days as temp receptionist.. kinda like the environment in the office, almost everyone's nice and smiling. i made a few blunders, doodled a little during free time, and stoning around till someone comes up to me.

i love working in town, cos after work can go shop! and so on tues i bought a mango blue quilted handbag geez. shioks de lor! met up with jenn and nancy ytd for dinner and a little shopping and i bought a striped cardigan, perfect for cold days and school. everywhere's having sale, loads of ppl thronging the streets, but tts as far as it gets to make me hype up abt the gss. not that it din get onto me, i'm holding on badly for my hk trip!

and so we went home, at least managed to cop sth. this is a true achievement***


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