i've got my hands free, so i decided to do a lil bloggin. its not like i have loads of stuff happening ard me everyday but still, we do have stuff going thru our minds almost every min rite? i try to make it a point to remb though most probably at the end of the day when i wanna blog, i have already forgotten most of it. tra-la-la ...

on saturdayyyy ...
went for dinner at river valley's spize. then watched ocean's thirteen, hmm at 1st i had doubts abt watchin it cos i din watch the previous ones. then since its a weekend and it will be super intolerable to be at home doing nth, i went ahead. it was really nice and funny at some parts, great movie with great actors like george clooney! no waste ur money. then we had supper at the hong kong cafe near katong, the one beside the yummy bak chor meee. geez the last time i been there was the night i left for HK in 2005. time flies. i ate the ham&egg 'ding' noodle, it tasted jus like maggi anyway but it was nt bad cos i love maggi. and home we go!

random pics..

i like the shadow on the ground

testin ard with the cam's exposure

my chockie needs a little air-con

the shine wears offfff
jack's always sleepin ...

on second thoughts ...
ever wonder abt the phrase 'it never pays to be good'? like u be nice to ppl, they dun get it, u feelin it, it all turns out to be a waste of time and effort. wutever u've put in to make ppl go happy preppy, it jus doesn't work. there's jus no chemistry and its jus as simple as that. somehow, u need the right ppl to work the charm, not jus the right time n place. like even if u're making love at nite in the best places ever, u might not be guaranteed an ultra-uber goody feeling also. the phrase isn't right abt the 'never', its jus some "times"... if u get wut i am getting at.

`yo and behold!

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