Back to Transformers ... & rollercoaster

been working for 2 days doing rsvp calling.. quite a manageable job to do and i can tell u this is one of the best places i've worked in wahah.. good environment that doesnt stress me to the max, alot of nice smiling ppl ard.. though working hours are very short, but i really love this place and hope can get more assignments in future! yippee~~

my first day of work i woke up with a super dreadful feeling. on one hand my mind was on somebody, on the other hand, i was having some pre-first day work stress syndrome.. tehehe. can u imagine that?! its like, my mind was whirling all sorts of shit and my mood was as if i was on a rollercoaster ride. it felt like a thousand tonnes i swear.

okok, things turned out just fineeee.

watched Transformers ytd.. i've nt really watched the cartoons but i did play abit with their toys.. i remb one had a radio boxy look, and i jus enjoy cracking and turning it into Anyhow-Robots. hmm the movie was really much nicer compared to the disappointing tri-quels i've been watching the past few weeks. definitely a must watch lo! if got repeat for free i cfm wanna watch again. and the josh duhamel guy was damn cute can! i loveee the optimus prime bling bling truck wahahha. dunno whether to say it was soo exaggerating or wut. but nice!

`feelin bananas

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