
wutever it is, its nth. i'm like a mute, sumtimes i feel i'm blind. words nv heard, actions overlooked, i mus hv missed out the good things in life tt hardly seem to cross my path. i dun wan a lonely road without bumps cos all i've been waiting in my life is one with roadblocks, with juice, and zest to make it hot enough to cool down later on. i want an exit if it aint all tt i've want in the first place. such a depriving life, i bet no one ever feels satisfied. not me...i'm not happy with many many things, there's nth i can do with my limits, life is failing me. everyone is. i feel like a bird without a tree. all tt i've desired is no longer here......i guess i'll still need sth.

`piercing thru, the thorns nailed onto me.

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