salute to another boring day.

wutever. i gt back results today, failed mbs. the rest was alrite with me. sigh guess i'm gonna waste stupid shit time revising again. yes yes, its boring i noe. was supposed to go clubbin at nite but i aint no money...hmm.spent my whole day on net and watching tv shows, not bad ah. i wudnt say its a worthless day... next week is kinda ruined becos i have to study abit for mbs. can anyone make it any better? we 05 peeps seem to hv fell for it except for a few. wahahaa. yeah yeah. u do realise sometimes, time makes a fool out of us. we go chasing against time, we try to be on time, we race, its a cycle which along the way, we miss things out. it's very true tt smths are nt meant to be, there's nth much we can do, neither can we try to reverse the past again. so yeah, move on with life, remember we nv shld nv try to live in the past. why not learn from it? hey tts wut i feel, if u dun agree, fine with me. waHAHHAHA. somebody saveeee me, i'm dyin of boredom. tt day i was walkin ard, and i saw alot alot of those big big soft toys, i got the urge to carry some home, hug it or share it with my lil bro n sis. hohohoohoho.

salute to the end of a boring day and the start of a new one.

`rose garden, i live it in my dreams.

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