Mayday, i love

ok i've been listening to their songs and a few others these few days. i like them alot. wahhh. they're really talented. definitely better than 5566 or f4, which i find quite shallow in their songs. its like a puddle of clearwater, u see it, u noe there's nth much u can explore further..lalala. went to many places today with darling.. yeah i had a gd time, but the weather is jus too hot. walked ard walked ard. no more tofus and rockin horses toy!!!!! ah how?!!! cute things always are snapped up so fast. it was jus last week i got one. its gone. and i saw a slping piglet! heheh so cutee!! hmmm.maybe one day sg shld try to reclaim MORE LANd. its beginning to bore me, really. maybe sg shld try to build new recreational stuff. rather than hdb flats, more hdbs, and MORE. maybe they shld build a big big swimming pool, where everyone can squeeeze and splatter ard in floats, trunks, wutever! sigh how dampening sg is at such.

`life sized mirror

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