had a really great day of bbqing with my classmates today. heheh lucky the weather was good to us..no rain! there was some little girl and sweet corn thing, apple's dog called zhuzhu which is so cute!, the coconut men, and perfect food. we had really nice time laughing together..later eileen and junhao came..i went to the playground with leen, junhao and joey. we played the spiderweb and joey self proclaim a spiderman..hmm.. then later we sat on this satellite thingy n its really very interesting! we go upside down like a mini rollercoaster. yeah we went 360 round..wahahhaha we laugh and scream like morons. this is reliving our childhood u noe...yay yay! i ate alot of chicken wings....how?! gonna be fat already, mus walk more!

`we all love surprises.

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