Love is nv a bed of roses. yeah, after reading her blog, feel kinda sad for her, i bet she aint taking it too easy too...i jus wish she can look on the brighter side and move on...ytd i was readin an article talkin abt stealth bombers. i tot it might be abt some terrorist crap.. why not i jus paste the stupid link here cos there's really alot more..

Beware stealth bombers

it's rather interesting cos it really sorted out my mind, i guess i nv knew abt such things in the past. i'm learning ok?! there's many things i wanna learn too. like cooking, baking cookies, guitars, drums, ice-skate and rollerblade properly without falling!! erh yeah these few nites i been huggin tat toy cow to slp cos its cute cute :p and huggable! its hairy, black and white....

`The flowers should always, always, outnumber the thorns.

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