erm. its saturday. its supposed to be a usual hangout day with frens, eating and catchin a movie day. but, it isnt. went to trim my eyebrows. hey despite the pain, at least it looks much neater rite?! yeah yeah saw alot of ppl with funny and eyeopening dressing, wonder wuts wrong with them. they are either PINK top to toe or too much spare tyres tumbling out their tight tops. hmm. freak them. so later walk ard orchard, realised i been here so many times.

met drk and kr to hang out awhile, its tickles me always to hear wut they are talkin abt. wahahaa. not long later, i went home. yawns. its so weird to be home so early at 11. next week, mayb i shld stay out for a nite, mayb i shld do some exercise. i look at bikinis, and i look at myself. sigh. wahahha cant imagine myself in tt really. alrite, to kill time, i play tic tac toe on msn. it gets boring after awhile.. so chatting is still the best. there's always fresh things coming in. yippee!

`flowers in the window

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