my eyes are red, cheeks are burnin red, smelt of cig smoke, smelt of alcohol. yes, i went drinking at planet paradigm with crystal, angie, john and some other ppl whom i dun really noe... its been 1000 years since i've drank. and i'm really really craving for it becos i'm craving for it when i dun feel good. at 1st we went shopping for bikinis and stuff. hahah i bought a skirt!!! geez. we ate vietnamese food and its really superb!!! i totally lovee it! paradigm is a gd place to chill out yeah and we played 5,10,15. arghh its my first time playing, but not bad cos i forfeit lesser times than angie!! hiak hiak.. ahhh, tat drink we had was nice and sweet. sigh.

`one day u wake up to find u losing urself.

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