hmm. Friday: went out with darling to shop! he bought a tee and i got a racerback for myself too..yeay!! its the greaaat singapore sales and there was a disney exhibition in taka. hahaha. we ate yoshinoya again! its value for money and nice..watched shrek for onli one hr cos we remembered the wrong timing...hoho!! it was a really nice show, i wished it was longer! puss in boots is soo cute!! hehee.

Saturday: crystal jade to celebrate my mum's bday. i ate alot alot becos the food is jus so JADED. very nice!

`eels - i need some sleep
rainy day

its the 2nd time of the week i've been to orchard...yay! i cant wait for the Great Singapore Sales and the disney exhi!!! they're coming soon! hehhe.. i am gonna be broke soon cos i'm always out...eating and mayb i shld work, but y'all noe me well enough tt i dun last more than 3 days in my jobs except for tuition... *yawns. so yeah becos of GSS, i plan to spend more money on things...and maybe withdraw money out, since it can be EARNED back one day rite? yeah yeah i got many things on my mind rite now..insufficient money is a Big Problem. i found out abt posting pics from leenie's blog..look at eeyore and piglet!! so cute!!!

`wishin' and hopin'
had a really great day of bbqing with my classmates today. heheh lucky the weather was good to rain! there was some little girl and sweet corn thing, apple's dog called zhuzhu which is so cute!, the coconut men, and perfect food. we had really nice time laughing together..later eileen and junhao came..i went to the playground with leen, junhao and joey. we played the spiderweb and joey self proclaim a spiderman..hmm.. then later we sat on this satellite thingy n its really very interesting! we go upside down like a mini rollercoaster. yeah we went 360 round..wahahhaha we laugh and scream like morons. this is reliving our childhood u noe...yay yay! i ate alot of chicken! gonna be fat already, mus walk more!

`we all love surprises.

little by little u're there. yeah yeah.

from the simplest actions showered upon,
darkness was heading for the brighter days,
cascading tears were just a part of past,
every inch and every corner,
fits perfectly of your words to my heart,
so perfectly they mended no one else could ever replace,
so tightly i held onto them that nothing would be better,
and in light of all the care you have shown, my dear friend,
i'm always here.

`i saw no reaching hands to pull me up in my dreaded moments.
dint go out today at all..stayed at hme with a swollen eye watching starsky and hutch, love hina and chatting online..i damn love that guy huggy in the show. tall, cool, aloof but resourceful in some ways. Nobody touches huggy. and he said sth really interesting. here goes: to err is human, to forgive is divine. hmm..nt bad a day anyway, i enjoy chilling out at hme..dunnid to care abt anything...slp, eat, watch videos. kept me awake all day!! Hahaha...

`february stars

finally tt irritating supp paper is over! can pass ah hopefully! yeah i din blog for the past few days becos i stayed outside. hoho. watched van helsing with darling and his frens.. orchard, i tink i'm always going there no matter what..went to my sis chalet, knew some of her frens, realised some of them are really funny and cute. played mj with them and crystal, argh not once i won ok...after tt went to meet angie and her frens..hang ard in bugis then i went home in the morning. studied my mbs on monday, was supposed to meet drk and crystal study together, but i had a gastric problem tts really bugging me. argh!

so jus now i went to watch troy too. weird show, but brad pitt was great in it. hahhaa. every single scene he appeared. lala. we smuggled titbits into the cinema. one box of chicken biscuits made my bag looks as if its exploding. too small! yay took some picture cards.. okayy i noe its lame, but its cool. wahahhaha..i did had a good time anyway!

*yawns nth much. holidays jus prove to be so boring sometimes.

`waiting for the Great Singapore Sales.....

wutever it is, its nth. i'm like a mute, sumtimes i feel i'm blind. words nv heard, actions overlooked, i mus hv missed out the good things in life tt hardly seem to cross my path. i dun wan a lonely road without bumps cos all i've been waiting in my life is one with roadblocks, with juice, and zest to make it hot enough to cool down later on. i want an exit if it aint all tt i've want in the first place. such a depriving life, i bet no one ever feels satisfied. not me...i'm not happy with many many things, there's nth i can do with my limits, life is failing me. everyone is. i feel like a bird without a tree. all tt i've desired is no longer here......i guess i'll still need sth.

`piercing thru, the thorns nailed onto me.
okayyy, had a great time earlier on today. went for breakfast at hm, then serangoon gardens, then to pasir ris beach. very great altho i was slpy. yeah lah jus fun playin ard and talking with my best frens. and now at this goddamn time, i'm so fuckin bored. too bad i noe. so yeah anyway i'm gonna temporary end this shit when weekends come. ha. tt means going out and i hv damn gd reasons so i dunnid to go home! mus make use ah cos its a one in a million chance for me. better than stoning infront of the com, boredom staring right straight at me, all i can do is to type and type non stop...chatting with frens and frens is interesting yeah. but still....forget it, i'm very pissed off when i'm bored.wutever lah huh. yawns*

`sorry but i hate every single night like this.
Mayday, i love

ok i've been listening to their songs and a few others these few days. i like them alot. wahhh. they're really talented. definitely better than 5566 or f4, which i find quite shallow in their songs. its like a puddle of clearwater, u see it, u noe there's nth much u can explore further..lalala. went to many places today with darling.. yeah i had a gd time, but the weather is jus too hot. walked ard walked ard. no more tofus and rockin horses toy!!!!! ah how?!!! cute things always are snapped up so fast. it was jus last week i got one. its gone. and i saw a slping piglet! heheh so cutee!! hmmm.maybe one day sg shld try to reclaim MORE LANd. its beginning to bore me, really. maybe sg shld try to build new recreational stuff. rather than hdb flats, more hdbs, and MORE. maybe they shld build a big big swimming pool, where everyone can squeeeze and splatter ard in floats, trunks, wutever! sigh how dampening sg is at such.

`life sized mirror
salute to another boring day.

wutever. i gt back results today, failed mbs. the rest was alrite with me. sigh guess i'm gonna waste stupid shit time revising again. yes yes, its boring i noe. was supposed to go clubbin at nite but i aint no money...hmm.spent my whole day on net and watching tv shows, not bad ah. i wudnt say its a worthless day... next week is kinda ruined becos i have to study abit for mbs. can anyone make it any better? we 05 peeps seem to hv fell for it except for a few. wahahaa. yeah yeah. u do realise sometimes, time makes a fool out of us. we go chasing against time, we try to be on time, we race, its a cycle which along the way, we miss things out. it's very true tt smths are nt meant to be, there's nth much we can do, neither can we try to reverse the past again. so yeah, move on with life, remember we nv shld nv try to live in the past. why not learn from it? hey tts wut i feel, if u dun agree, fine with me. waHAHHAHA. somebody saveeee me, i'm dyin of boredom. tt day i was walkin ard, and i saw alot alot of those big big soft toys, i got the urge to carry some home, hug it or share it with my lil bro n sis. hohohoohoho.

salute to the end of a boring day and the start of a new one.

`rose garden, i live it in my dreams.
my eyes are red, cheeks are burnin red, smelt of cig smoke, smelt of alcohol. yes, i went drinking at planet paradigm with crystal, angie, john and some other ppl whom i dun really noe... its been 1000 years since i've drank. and i'm really really craving for it becos i'm craving for it when i dun feel good. at 1st we went shopping for bikinis and stuff. hahah i bought a skirt!!! geez. we ate vietnamese food and its really superb!!! i totally lovee it! paradigm is a gd place to chill out yeah and we played 5,10,15. arghh its my first time playing, but not bad cos i forfeit lesser times than angie!! hiak hiak.. ahhh, tat drink we had was nice and sweet. sigh.

`one day u wake up to find u losing urself.
Love is nv a bed of roses. yeah, after reading her blog, feel kinda sad for her, i bet she aint taking it too easy too...i jus wish she can look on the brighter side and move on...ytd i was readin an article talkin abt stealth bombers. i tot it might be abt some terrorist crap.. why not i jus paste the stupid link here cos there's really alot more..

Beware stealth bombers

it's rather interesting cos it really sorted out my mind, i guess i nv knew abt such things in the past. i'm learning ok?! there's many things i wanna learn too. like cooking, baking cookies, guitars, drums, ice-skate and rollerblade properly without falling!! erh yeah these few nites i been huggin tat toy cow to slp cos its cute cute :p and huggable! its hairy, black and white....

`The flowers should always, always, outnumber the thorns.
3 is a cursed number.
lookin at how things are revolving ard my frens, yeah i guess i hated this number since i was in sec 3. it's the most unlucky number and if u are somehow related to 3 or wutever, pray tt u get out of it. there's a couple of reasons why i hated 3:
- life sucks in sec 3.
- 3 is always a dread in the journey of love.
- i gt into a minor accident in bus 3.
- reg number 23 is often called by teacher in school.
now u see it? i got alot alot of thoughts i wanna say today... but guess its too longwinded so i'll jus concentrate on the number 3 first. and look, its may 3... maybe 3 is a jinx to me. no i'm not superstitious... but becos it is always the reason why things suddenly go haywire in my life... how to get past 3? mus try hard....

`3 days: 3 weeks: 3 years.
erm. its saturday. its supposed to be a usual hangout day with frens, eating and catchin a movie day. but, it isnt. went to trim my eyebrows. hey despite the pain, at least it looks much neater rite?! yeah yeah saw alot of ppl with funny and eyeopening dressing, wonder wuts wrong with them. they are either PINK top to toe or too much spare tyres tumbling out their tight tops. hmm. freak them. so later walk ard orchard, realised i been here so many times.

met drk and kr to hang out awhile, its tickles me always to hear wut they are talkin abt. wahahaa. not long later, i went home. yawns. its so weird to be home so early at 11. next week, mayb i shld stay out for a nite, mayb i shld do some exercise. i look at bikinis, and i look at myself. sigh. wahahha cant imagine myself in tt really. alrite, to kill time, i play tic tac toe on msn. it gets boring after awhile.. so chatting is still the best. there's always fresh things coming in. yippee!

`flowers in the window