Hmm..this week passed rather fast..swoosh its friday tml...yay!! for the past dunno how many years of school life, weekends have always been sth i've been lookin forward to. time to joy, time to shop, time to have fun...everything tt we call enjoyment. oh well, today waited a whole day jus for my env sci tut...did my test on mangroves, how lame is tt. b4 tt slack ard like a dead snail in biz park. watched ppl come and go. earlier on had stats lect and then halfway rush to choose my cds for next sem. i dun tink i will get jap..geez..cos everyone seems to have already signed up b4 i, lets pray i get sth best for me, and quite slack. i hate to have crampy timetables, no time to relax and chill. i really damn it. but then, let's jus wait in the meantime! for the 1st time in my whole life, i stepped into bedok reservoir. yeah greattt...~ quiet and serene, but also filled with cigg smoke. okok..bought my teddy graham biscuits again and alot of my frens complained it looks like dog food. saddd. wahahah but its really nice with tt honey i dun care if its for dog anot.

`It stands alone recently..

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