Heya! Today's been a boring day.. supposed to watch movie with the gang, but then desmond and jinhui cant make it..so its onli me,drk and jerry. we 3 loners of the day..went to shop ard with drk first..bought a fcuk tee for 60 bucks..aiyah heck care cos i really like it anyway..wahhaha..wanted to buy more tees and jeans but then no nice one..so no luck..yawn* gone to lido to buy tix for The Butterfly Effect.. we waited for jerry noe, and he's always late..so went in watch 1st lah..damn nice, a lil violent and psychopath kinda show..jerry came in rather late...with his packet of food which contains fries, popcorn chicken and sth else i dunno..wahahha..not bad still got food..so later on went home liao..haiya i wanna buy more clothess....!