upcoming projects, presentations and accounting test are driving me a lil off my sanity. urgh. why chinablack always so crowded? ever since they renovated, i nv been in there. maybe when i'm 18 then come and think abt it. its still freaking early to sept. so yeah. lalalala. so damn tired. today morning i went back to old hse area for breakfast with my family. really miss the childhood i had there. every sunday mornings without fail, we wud head to the market for breakfast meals. how nice. later on went to pay respects to my great grandmother. i jsu realised she came from guangdong and many dead ppl came from the same place: China. some of them died in the early 1920s, 1942 during the war. jus hits me in the head, tt life can end one day, whether u are happy or not. i like tofu alot i realised, and the winnie keychains. been searching for it today but no more. still got one more shop selling that ah, so in the meanwhile, i can save up money first.

`try to measure infinity in the palm of ur hands.

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