Oh yeah today went to school for econs onli..then slack ard in canteen..one reason why i bought the biscuits was to help me curb my craving for the school's chicken chop..so yea i didn eat and munched on those biscuits instead lahz..went home for a nice nap..ahhh so shiok..then later went to orchard wif crystal to meet some frens..b4 heading to arab street.hmmm tat place was uber dark and a lil creepy..hahha..i was damn hungry and it kinda contributed to my mood also. a hungry person is angry. yeah..oh well, tasted those potato wedges and its yummy!! heheh..hear them talk talk while i smell the shee sha smoke..very sweet. then i feel very tired also..yawns!*

`i jus had to realise time jus had to pass like tt, how cruel.

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