erm...many things hv happened...wut shld i say? or how shld i put it? damn. why shld i bother wif sum one who dun even noe my age when we were together. why why why. it jus shows he's sum1 not worth my time n i noe. but i cant help myself. quite sad when he told me tt. he's gonna be away soon... dunno wut to say also..kinda attracted to his giggles. but anyway life's still goin on fine. ytd went out with the guys, wanted to watch rollypolly..but then tix are out! so sorry!! i din mean to..oh btw i bought a tee..looks comic and its 40 bucks.haah..i also got a free jacket outta nowhere..yea lol. slacked in cafe cartel at ps..ate the yummy waffle b4 walkin abit and going home..yawns.i wanna buy more tees!

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