Geez.reach home ard 12pm jus now..ytd all of us was out at marina steamboat celebrating our dearest crystal's 18th bday!! happy bday!! wahaha..b4 tt, went to queensway and orchard with nancy,des,drk..we all chipped in money with the rest of the peepz and bought a chocolate gateau cake for her..well it was very delicious anyway..trusted brand called bengawan solo. met up with jinhui,jennifer and angie plus john..when we reach there, jerry and crystal was already waiting there..wahahah how surprising jerry was quite early..normally he'd be late..okok to the steamboat, i tink i kinda lost in my own world of soup drinking..i din notice anything funny except some rather obvious jokes. took many pictures!! yeah great!hahah..i love my camera.the soup was rather tasty, so cant help it rite...then they talk alot of bullshit which i didn paid attention due to the soup i was infatuated with..WAHAHAHA. okok sth's been rather funny but ooh anyway its a freakin secret lahz. wahahahahah its damn fun when u alone noe sth and others dunno..and then u laugh urself even though ppl tot u are mad. wahahahahhah. okkayyss. stayed at nancy's hse and we really talked alot abt men and how sick some are,how pathetic i am, **aheM** and many more lah until we jus went bonkers, giggled, really laughed out loud and dozed off...watched meteor jus shows how bored we were..i like stayovers! yeah then remembered my com got worm, so i asked my fren for help..yeah i tink its alrite now since he's my comp doctor...haha..erm, here's out to all of my frens who are taking their results today. Gd luck fer ur results!!!

`isolation momentum from the mortal world.

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