heyy. today statistics was a shocker on 1st look, it made my heart skipped many many times faster. I stared at it for 10 mins, tryin to figure out how to do. but then, as i did my qns, i managed to sort them. and yes! i tink i noe how lahz..checked ans, pray they are correct man..mayb lose marks on careless mistakes. yea, i put in effort by coming so early to revise with crystal, everything shld be alrite eh? this is the 1st time i came so early cos normally exams i will still be slpin or reading at hme b4 i go sch. eh, quite nice try lahz. so here i am, finished memorising my mbs twice. dunno whether can make it anot tml. god bless me! pls make me remember those stuff i have to...yeah yeah thanks to everyone who wished me gd luck. and btw, same to all those havin exams too!

`3 days left.

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