oh alrite, jus came back from my grandpa's bday dinner..he's 80 this yr..haha..the food not bad ah...took some pictures, talk talk...then go home..b4 tt, i was in school alone.. couldnt stand the boredom so i went to look for drk and his frens to watch abit of the school concert thing..hahah actually, the singing wasn't tt gd. yeah man, after tt went to queensway with them for some shoe exhibition..lucky i brought a cam, otherwise i tink i miss out sth real gd. as usual, i can be spotted laughing like some crazy girl. but its nt my fault ok, cos some things they said were atrocious i cant stand it! hahah..later on headed to orchard. walk ard, talk talk...and quite entertaining to hear stupid things..okays, i did spend a happy friday the 13th rather than a lonely one...saw many ppl sellin roses! i wished i had one..
