went out to bugis on tues with darling, drk and kr. hmm i feel like buying many things like tees, mini care bears and suddenly i feel like reading books again... i'll see how la.. sungei road was as usual many ah peks and uncles selling their things.. its my 2nd time there i tink.. then ytd celebrated desmond's bday at swensen's. met angie and crystal for a walk first.. the food is not bad... i wan potato wedges but no more!! heheh miss arab street's one... so nice with the sauce ok!! had lots of fun eating the food, but the ice cream wasn't tt great becos its too sweet.. Ring-a-ding-a-ling. wahahah!! afterwards after much wasting of time and talking, we decided to play pool at monstercue.. so long nv play already, abt 10 mths... hahah.. darling and me played!!! heheh.. first time we play pool together.. our skills NOT BAD oh!! lalala~ play awhile we go home already... yeappieEEE

`kuai le shi guang

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