its almost 3 weeks of holidays. been goin out almost everyday, except some days which i really jus feel like stayin home.. got back results, quite disappointed i din put in as much effort as i could, but still quite happy.. wonder how's timetable gonna be like next sem. i'm still hoping things go my way... i spend alot on food and i got not much cash left now!! i'm still lookin for a job. looks like 24 hrs a day is REALLY not enuf lahz.. boring, its the same old thing tt we do, i jus wish for sth fresh tt i can do or go to.... hahha.. i've got so many places i wanna go, but.. aiyah i dunno lah. jus irks me alot of things.. terrible. now i feel like taking chao yuan kuai che to somewhere else so i can relax my mind during the journey..

many things are unstoppable.. jus like u cant eat but look at the egg prices went up 7 times. 2046, altho i din really get it at first, but there's sth abt the show.. no one really noes where they are heading for, neither do I. mayb everyone's is self-centred to a certain extent, cos now i am feeling like nobody cares abt wut i am doing animore. and tt includes u u u and u. and still, its becos everyone's busy with their own stuff.. tt nobody bothers much. when will u ever be free? i still dunno.

i cant wait for the festive mood to come, i love xmas and new year celebrations every year with my friends.. hohoho. miss those days playin pool at parkway with the group!! becos it was really fun u noe.. arrgghh! those were one of my happiest days. we are so innocent and fun-loving. hahhaa... so nice!

`ni hui bu hui hao yi dian?

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