Exams over already! the last mktg paper was spot-on.. hahah the tips was very gd. hmm been goin out the past few days and worked on the weekends for banquet shit.. nt bad ah everyone except for the captain he's so manipulative and idiotic dogface. earn 66 bucks! dunno whether shld i continue working there... ytd went chinablack with the girls.. it can be boring it can be fun. starting it was fun but then later, i sian already.. drank cranberry vodka at 1st, then later keep drinkin fruit punch cos it was so nice. hooooho. free anyway. the clubbers there some wore like they cant wait to burst naked... buffalos. cant stand those men who go clubs jus to hook girls, bad guys to stay clear of becos they got pretty much nth gd in them and shallow u can see their intentions quite clearly. the most attention grabbing thing was the 2 girls crystal says they look like losers or was it posers? haha.. ahh drinkin fruit punch was enjoyable while i was thinkin abt darling most of the time wahahha... yay! can go collect my pay soon and enjoy my weekends together oh!!

`its holidays time!!!

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