2 papers over. Its a relief although i get the feeling i wun be doin quite well this time round.. OHHHh man it has been so goddamn tough to focus and tryin to memorise every word of those seemingly neverending notes..... sigh i noe i cant but i still hope for sth good of cos! partly due to the diminishing braincells of 18 yrs of education and too many distractions in me.. hmmph! i jus wish it can ALL be over with the snap of fingers.. bahhhhhhhh~ i got many many questions, many many doubts, i can onli say shit them.. (It's oh so quiet) been holding back, to reach out once and again when its all like a mirage we see on the roads on hot days.. and then i return empty handed, oh well, maybe with a basket of fruits from the mart :o during this time, i ask myself often, whether is it really there, by my side always, no matter what.. but haha forget it i'd rather dun care and be happy now becos i'm so exhausted, terrible and sour... anyway i tink i can take a backseat soon after exams, relax and yearn for a sunshine! back in my superultimately boring life...start planning for the hols! :0 i love my toys oh!!

`I finally found someone

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