hmm, went to orchard again wahahha.. went there dunno how many times a week.. had my driving practical on thurs with darling.. wah really scary, becos i tink i am lousy at driving.. i dunno how to brake, and the worst part is i dare not accelerate much cos i'm scared... hahaha.. becos of me the car engine stalled quite a few times and brake quite hard until we jerked.. i tink the instructor quite terrified of the way i drive.. i'm so forgetful!! but i hope practice makes perfect.. watched shark tale ytd, its very gd and funny! wahaha, the underwater world they kinda relate it to the real world (eg mussel crowe, sushi shop).. there's some meaning in the show and its really funny.. very smart jokes. heheh lenny is cute.. the whole show's like very hip hop.. ahahahhaha. standing fishes.. oh yeah went to kembangan area to hv mee sua and soup! quite tasty! i like the pig's organs. very nice.. ahhh i love to sleep and eat!!!!

`wut the world needs now, is love, sweet love...

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